Student Wellbeing

Karen Whelan, Deputy Principal - Head of Senior School

A time of celebration in the Senior School 

National Reconciliation Week 

Last Thursday, we celebrated National Reconciliation Week with a whole school assembly. The event was led by our Senior School Co-Captains, Audrey K and Abigail S, along with our Junior School Captain, Alicia N. This year's theme, "Now More Than Ever," was highlighted during the assembly, where Alicia explained its significance. 


The theme of this year’s National Reconciliation Week is Now More Than Ever. It is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must continue.  

Reconciliation is something that is ongoing – it’s never completely finished - and it takes a lot of work. Now more than ever, we need to tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation.  


Audrey and Abigail discussed the profound significance of the Uluru Statement from the Heart, honouring its call for constitutional recognition and a Voice to Parliament for Indigenous Australians. They celebrated Professor Megan Davis and Stan Grant as prominent Indigenous activists dedicated to advancing these crucial causes. Our Diversity and Inclusion Captain, Shakira, shared a moving excerpt from Sally Morgan’s acclaimed book, "Sister Heart," which deeply resonated with everyone. Thanks to our Captains for organising an assembly that truly captured the spirit of this year's theme, "Now More Than Ever." They issued a powerful call to action for all of us to continue the essential work of truth-telling, understanding our history, advancing education, and tackling institutionalised inequality. 


House Athletics 

Our final House Athletics carnival was a fantastic day enjoyed by all, made even more special as it was a whole school event. Senior School students cheered, hopped, ran, threw, and jumped their way to success. The hot drinks cart, generously provided by SPA, was a huge hit and warmed many cold hands! 


Last week in assembly we announced the Senior School Champions and overall winners from our House Athletics. It is with great pleasure that I share our final Champions: 


Year 7 Zara H Blundell 
Year 8 Mylie F Lloyd 
Year 9 Ruby B Blundell 
Year 10 India S Langley 
Year 11 Naomi Z Lloyd 
Year 12 Thanya V Blundell 


The competition for the overall trophy was incredibly close, with only a 2-point difference between the top two Houses. A huge congratulations to Lloyd for narrowly beating Blundell! 

Year 10 and 11 Examinations 

It is that time of year again, where our Year 10 and 11 students are completing their end of semester exams. During the exam period, it is important that students consistently remind themselves of the following messages: 

  • The exams themselves are for learning purposes. The results come second to the processes and practices that they have put in place in terms of revision and assessment readiness. 
  • They have already been assessed on the skills and knowledge that will be reflected in the exam. This is an opportunity to take on board feedback and to show growth. The semester has already been a success for the students, before they even start the exam. 

Wishing all our Year 10 and 11 students well for the examination period.