Captains' Corner 

Abigail Cachart 

Hello Everyone, 


I cannot believe that we have almost made it halfway through the year!


This is usually the time when most of us begin to lose our motivation, however, there are so many ways to help improve our retention and productivity. You can start by using different study methods, focusing on your end goal, celebrating the smallest of achievements, setting new goals and taking time for yourself. 


I would like to wish all the students the best of luck with their upcoming exams.  I know this time can be very stressful but keep in mind to take regular study breaks and just try your best. A reminder that MAD Day is on 28 June, don’t forget to keep up the MAD Day donations. To reach our goal of $15,000 to support the de La Salle Brothers and Wellsprings for Women.


Take care and God bless, 

Abigail Cachart