House News - Leonis

Ash Fraraccio - House Leader

Years 8-11, Exam time is here. Our House Captains have the following advice for you during this time!

Hannah’s AdvicePrithis’ Advice

Using flashcards. Flashcards are a great tool for memory and I use them for my heavy content subjects. You can either create digital flashcards or physical flashcards. Although digital flashcards such as Quizlet is a good resource for memory, I personally use physical flashcards because that means I can highlight key words within the definition, which makes me more likely to remember the term. I also use the physical flashcards so I can separate the words I struggle with from the words I am familiar with. Using flashcards is a good tool to use long term before an exam or SAC.


I know every subject requires different methods of studying, but there's one technique that works for all of them, and that is getting sleep. As simple as it sounds, it does work. This is because your brain essentially "saves" the knowledge you learnt during the day when you go to sleep, meaning you want to sleep long enough for your brain to do that. 


Watching YouTube videos. If you're a visual learner like myself, watching videos to understand content is very helpful. During times when I need extra resources to help me understand complicated processes, I watch multiple YouTube videos to gain more background knowledge, and so I can actually see how something works. Watching videos is great for science subjects.


Mind maps: I personally find mind maps to be quite effective with not only note taking but also consolidating before sacs or exams. The best part is that it works for most subjects like science, humanities, and English. Building those links between pieces of content (by literally drawing arrows), it helps to strengthen your knowledge and enhance recall.   


Studying in silence. When I am studying a subject that requires me to retain a lot of content, I try to not use my headphones. Trying to remember content while listening to songs is difficult, as you are listening to two things at once. When I am not listening to music, I am less distracted and I put a lot more effort into the things I am studying. Because of this, I have found that after study sessions, I remember and understand a lot more compared to when I listen to music. The only time I will listen to music while studying is when I am working on art related subjects.Thorough review of attempted questions: Most people might simply spam practice questions, while this might work, it is more important to understand where you might be insufficient with your knowledge. This is why proper review of your mistakes is integral to improving. Better yet, if your teachers don't mind, ask them to mark a few attempted questions to get feedback. I know last year when I did a multitude of past psychology exam papers, I thoroughly reviewed each of my questions with my teacher, especially those tricky 10 markers, which helped me out quite a bunch. 

We hope these tips help you to secure some strong marks in your upcoming sacs or exams, and good luck! 


SRC Update: During our Pastoral period this week, we had the opportunity to meet in our year levels to discuss life at the College. Our SRC reps worked through the following key discussion areas:

  • What we have enjoyed this year (so far)
  • Even better if – suggestions for improving the events we have had.
  • What we love about SJRC
  • The biggest causes of concern within the year level
  • What fundraising activities we would like to organise to support MAD Day: 

Most year levels identified that Founders Day and our Talent Quest were significant events that were enjoyed!


Most year levels were concerned about upcoming assessments and life after school - the study tips above will help with this concern. 


Keep an eye out on notices for what activity we choose for our Fundraising this term!


STUDENT FEEDBACK- “Personally, I thought it was intriguing as we got a lot of good ideas for fundraising ideas as well as some ways we can improve our school throughout, it was a good way to hear from the other Year 7s since we can bring in new ideas that some may haven’t thought of. Honestly, I can’t wait to have another pastoral meeting further through the year.” SL LE4


TEACHER FEEDBACK- “Love it!! Given that most students were really engaged in the SRC student led discussion I think it's invaluable feedback…” MB LE4


PRIDE OF LEONIS - SHOUT OUT!  Kelemen Dominic- 3rd overall at SIS Athletics for the Open Age bracket! Rikki Barnes, Ralph Buela and Keanu Lauaki- for their amazing Talent Quest performances.