Learning & Teaching

Learning from Hubs

Digital Safety & Wellbeing

Over the last couple of weeks, children in Years 1-6 tuned into live Digital Safety & Wellbeing incursions led by Inform & Empower. This term’s sessions focused on Healthy Digital Habits. While all cohorts discussed the importance of balancing screen time with green time, the specific learning for each hub varied. To learn more about your child’s incursion, simply download the Parent/Carer Tip Sheet below. These documents are also designed to help open up conversations at home. 


Years 1/2

Years 3/4

Years 5/6


The  St John’s Online Safety Hub is another fantastic resource designed to help you navigate the online world with your children. It is an extensive bank of resources about a variety of apps, games, websites and devices. 


Bess Naughtin

Innovation Teacher & eLearning Leader


Writer’s Festival - Thursday 9 May

On Thursday 9th May, ten children from the Three-Six Hub attended the Melbourne Writers Festival at the State Library with Michele and Jenna. At the festival, the children listened to four different children’s authors and learnt about finding inspiration for writing, using passions to create texts and effectively collaborating to develop stories. The children left the Writers Festival feeling very inspired to host our own St John’s Writers Festival. Michele and Jenna and these ten children will begin to meet regularly to plan this event to coincide with Book Week. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!


National Reconciliation ~ Week 27 May to 3 June

With the theme ‘Now more than ever’ for National Reconciliation Week 2024, it is a time to reflect and continue building momentum towards reconciliation in our schools and broader communities. This theme invites all Australians to learn more about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and explore how everyone can contribute to promoting reconciliation in our everyday lives - in our homes, workplaces, and social circles.


Through Engaging With Place, children are offered authentic experiences to develop their cultural sensitivity and awareness with an Indigenous perspective. We look forward to sharing their children’s experiences in our next newsletter.


Confirmation Dates

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on: Thursday 6th June at 6.00 pm, at Our Lady’s Church, Maidstone.


Families of children receiving Confirmation are also to attend a Commitment Mass on Sunday 2nd June at 10 am at Our Lady’s Church.


We invite you to keep our candidates in your thoughts and prayers as they prepare for the sacrament.


Grade 6 Faith and Leadership Day

A reminder to grade 6 families that children will be visiting Our Lady’s Church on Wednesday 29th May alongside the Grade 6’s from Christ the King. The day is an opportunity for children to develop their leadership qualities through a Catholic lens, as well as a time for children completing their Confirmation to meet with Bishop Martin Ashe.