Art & Stem

Still Life Paintings
Year 9 & 10 art students have worked brilliantly to create their own acrylic still life paintings on canvas after studying still life paintings throughout history. Students started by doing observational drawings, copying the works of other artists and then by unleashing their own painting style. They worked from real life selecting objects from around the art room to use as their subject matter arranging them in their own choice of composition.
Year 7 & 8 students have been using a process called Neurographic Drawing. It is a meditative drawing process that combines psychology and art. The technique is said to link your conscious and subconscious mind and create new neural pathways. The drawings end up actually looking like neurons. These were created using markers and pencils, watercolour and glitter.
Year 7 & 8 have also been busy more recently creating repeating pattern lino prints which they will eventually print on to fabric to make tote bags. They designed their own pattern using motifs of their choice and then carved their lino sheets before printing test works to see what their repeating pattern looks like on a larger scale.
Prize Winners!
The VCE Art class has recently generated two prize winners in local art shows. James Cordy, in year 11, took out the Red Tail Gallery student prize for his photogram artwork while Em Toms, year 12, has been awarded 2nd prize in the student section of the Ibis Art Prize at the Naracoorte Regional Art Gallery.
Hope Martin, James Cordy and Em Toms all currently have work on display in this show.
Em Tom's work was a photographic work created as part of their Year 12 folio of work created with the assistance of the year 7 & 8 art class who dressed up as ghosts to take part in the photo shoot. Pictured here are some behind the scenes images from the photoshoot that took place here at school. It was beneficial to both classes as Em got the shots they needed and the year 7&8 students gained insight into what goes into the art making process at VCE level.
Miss Georgina Campbell