College News

Our Precious Mum's

Thanks to everybody involved in organising our Mother’s Day breakfast which was a very well-supported event on Friday the 10th of May. Pancakes, coffee, tea, a variety of fruits were all available, plus a healthy dob of whipped cream for those who partook. Our mum's are amazing, the work that they do, the love they give, so whenever you get a chance to put a smile on their face - take it! 

A big thank you to our local motorbike club!!

Last Friday we had a very exciting visit from two Australian Off-Road Motor Bike Senior Champions and a junior off-road rider who were all competing at Possum Park on the weekend. Along with the Riders were their teams and they brought their motorbikes. The Riders entertained and answered questions for half an hour with Edenhope College and St Malachy students and then to the joy of the students, started up their motorbikes and gave them a little demo. 

For those able to make the motocross spectacle at Possum Park it was an amazing event. The skill and precision by the Motocross Riders on the various tracks and jumps were amazing to watch and a big congratulations to the local bike club, who hosted the event.


In return there was a big thank you from our local motor bike club for our Year 9 and 10 Advance students who went out and helped tape the motocross track on Tuesday, for the championships.  Hopefully we can help at this event for many years to come!

Restorative Opportunities

Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be looking at school policy which includes student behaviour and student participation in excursions, camps, sporting events, activities, etc.  We currently give students the ability to make up for mistakes that they may have made through restorative acts based on one of our school values of being respectful, but it will be embedded in school policy. Let’s all face it, we’ve probably all mucked up at some point and having the ability to fix up mistakes is a powerful life skill to learn. With choices there are consequences (good and bad), so to help rectify the bad choices there will be a transparent process where a rectification choice can be made.


Future Funding at Edenhope College

Last year it was announced that Edenhope College would receive a grant of 13.1 million for school upgrades by Natalie Hutchins, the Minister for Education. The recent Victorian budget has now put a delay on this for between four to six months. We will still receive money to complete planning and put building contracts out to tender in 2024, but refurbishment will not start at the school this November as previously indicated, but potentially in the middle of 2025. I will be looking to see that this opportunity is still be presented in next May’s budget, and our current and future students get the benefit of this refurbishment. 

The above masterplan doesn’t show the primary area, as there have already been many internal improvements there in the last two years, but we’re looking to do a lot of landscape changes in both the primary and secondary areas that will benefit students. Our whole learning community has contributed towards what will best serve our students (and demographics), moving forward.

Staff Development

During Terms 2 – 4, all staff are aligning themselves with our school’s Annual Implementation Plan (AIP), and working on personal and school goals for the betterment of our learning environment. It gives staff the opportunity to go out of school on PD’s to broaden their knowledge, but invariably they then bring that back to our learning environment. 


Talking about staff, please feel free to call the college at any stage should you have questions about your child’s learning or wellbeing. We can organise a meeting with any teacher, ES staff member or school wellbeing person. 

Edenhope College Student Scoops Awards at University

Ex Edenhope College student Hayley Grigg, has scooped multiple awards at The University of Adelaide School of Agriculture, Food and Wine Prize Ceremony. Hayley carried on her successful studies from Edenhope College and applied them to university in Adelaide. Congratulations from Edenhope College Hayley, for all your 2023 awards that were presented to you on the 1st of May!


C.M. Donald Prize is awarded to the student who, in the opinion of The School of Agriculture Food and Wine is the best student in agronomy and is of sufficient merit.  Winner - Hayley Shaye Grigg.


D.B. Adam Memorial Prize is awarded for the best student in plant pathology and is of sufficient merit as determined by the Program Coordinator.  Winner - Hayley Shaye Grigg.


Peter Waite Medal: The Faculty of Sciences has undertaken to provide annually a prize in Agricultural Science for the candidate who, on completing the course for the degree of Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences is, in the opinion of the Faculty, the most distinguished of the students completing the course in that year.   Winner - Hayley Shaye Grigg.


Trevor McClure
