Teaching and Learning

Big Write and VCOP Talk Homework
Our next Big Write will be held on varying days over the next two weeks. Our topic will be:
Excursions are an important learning tool to enhance the curriculum by allowing students to better grasp and retain concepts. LEARNING BY DOING. This promotes engagement levels, builds confidence, teamwork and creates connections. All excursions and off-site learning experiences are an important part of the curriculum.
As part of the students' Cross Curriculum, STEAM and Religion studies, all students are to attend the Legoland and MacKillop Heritage Centre Whole School Excursion on Friday 24th May, 2024. Through this excursion students will also participate in incidental learning experiences as we travel to a larger city, full of many different environments, artistic landscapes and cultural experiences.
Thank you to all the parents who have already consented via the PAM permission form, it is greatly appreciated.
Inform and Empower
All classes have now completed their term 2 Inform and Empower e-safety session.
During these sessions, students learned about Healthy Digital Habits:
- Screen time and Green time.
- Sleep habits.
- Safe and unsafe feelings.
- Putting down tech.
Please see below a parent fact sheet for each class.
Grade 3/4
Grade 5/6