F/1/2 News
The F/1/2 class have had a great two weeks of learning.
We have been learning about a wide variety of concepts.
In Health, we have started learning about body safety and consent. This was kicked off with our Bravehearts Ditto Incursion. The students have learned:
- We all have the right to feel safe with people.
- It is ok to say no if you feel unsafe or unsure.
- Nothing is so yucky that you can’t tell someone about it.
The Ditto incursion was a great experience for the students to learn about body safety and consent. The concepts that we learned in this session will be followed up for the rest of the term in health class.
In Maths we have been learning about division (sharing) and multiplication. Most students are confident to share objects between groups and make them equal. Some of the students have started expanding on their learning to use pictorial representations of division, such as drawing circles and sharing dots, and making arrays.
In English, we have been focusing on developing our fluency in reading and focusing on identifying fiction and non-fiction texts. The students are working on learning that fiction stories are made up to entertain readers and non-fiction texts are full of facts to inform readers. The students are also learning that fiction texts can sound true, or contain facts, but still be an overall made up story.
We have also been doing a lot of preparation for our Whole School Excursion. As a class, we have been investigating the websites of the places that we are going. We have started talking about the structure of the day and how much fun we will have.
In the coming weeks, we have a lot of learning and events planned.
Wednesday 22nd May, Mrs Parry is at a meeting, Ms Ryan will teach F/1/2.
It is also National Simultaneous Story Time and we will have the Rushworth Kindergarten children join in with the class.
Thursday 23rd May, P&F Hot dogs and pop top lunch.
Friday 24th May, Whole School Excursion. All students are expected to be at school at 6:45am.
Monday 27th May, Reconciliation Week starts and we will attend the Grade 5 Fire Carrier Ceremony. Mrs Parry is also at a meeting, so Ms Ryan will teach the class.
Tuesday 28th May, Mrs Parry is away, Ms Ryan will teach the class.
Wednesday 29th May, students will attend a Virtual Incursion on Country, we have St Mary’s Biggest Morning Tea, and we will lead a Reconciliation Prayer Service at 3pm.
Friday 31st May, Pupil Free Day.
In Maths, we will be moving into our shape unit, where we will focus on 2D shapes. We will be working on identifying 2D shapes, counting their features (such as sides and corners), and discussing how lines are formed (straight, curved, parallel, opposite).
In Writing, we will be moving our learning from a persuasive text focus to a focus on procedural writing. You can support your children with their procedural text knowledge through cooking with them, following recipes, and following other instruction sheets.
In Religion, we are moving into our Grief and Loss unit of work. We will be learning about how things change and at times things or people need to go away. If you have any questions about this topic or your child is becoming concerned at home, please let Mrs Parry know.
We are still in our next major assessment period. The students will be participating in a variety of assessments to showcase their knowledge throughout the coming weeks. The students have already been working hard on the assessment pieces that need to be completed this week and we are very proud of the effort that they have put into the tasks. All of the students put in a lot of effort to complete their PAT assessments over the past two weeks.