Principals Message

Dear families,
It is hard to believe that we are at the midpoint of Term 2 already. We have had a really fun term so far and we continue to have lots of fun opportunities with the students. I am currently writing this newsletter update from the staff coffee room on our 5/6 camp having just enjoyed a lovely meal together.
Burnside Camp
Yesterday, the Year 5/6 students and some of our teachers arrived at our Anglesea Camp. It has been an amazing experience so far and I have really loved seeing how the children have socialised with each other and the Holy Rosary school. We have been on an ‘Amazing Race’ and a walk to the beach. Today, we did a mountain bike ride, zipline, climbing wall and archery. We envisage that we will be home tomorrow before the end of the school day and will keep families posted.
Whole School Excursion
On Friday, we have our whole school excursion to Melbourne. We are leaving bright and early and it will be a big day. We visit Legoland and the Mary MacKillop museum. I thank all of the teachers who have been planning such an amazing trip for many months now.
$400 School Saving Bonus
You may have heard that the Allan Labor Government announced a $400 School Saving Bonus for all school students in government schools regardless of income, but only for Health Care Card holders in Catholic schools. The $400 does not go directly to families but goes to schools and can be used as the school sees fit. We believe this policy to be very unfair on students and families in non-government schools and the payment should be means tested for all students or apply to all students.
Principals have been working alongside Catholic Education Sandhurst (CES) and the peak body, the Victorian Catholic Education Authority (VCEA) in advocating for our families. I have written to Annabelle Cleeland (Member for Euroa) to express our concern and I encourage families to do the same.
Drop off
I remind families please that drop off time is from 8:30am each morning. I ask that students don’t arrive before this time as it means that our staff have to go out and supervise them. Our morning before school is very sacred to staff as we are planning and preparing for the day ahead. We are also not licensed to have students on site prior to 8:30am. Please, if you need to do so as a one off, give me a call and we can make arrangements.
Pupil Free - 31st May
As previously communicated, we have a pupil free day on Friday 31 May for the second of our numeracy professional learning sessions for teachers. We are looking forward to putting our learning into our planning for lessons.
Once again, I thank you for your ongoing support and please come and see me if you have any queries or concerns.
Vin Ryan