The Arts and Design

Performing Arts

Year 5 Performing Arts – The Wind in the Willows

In Year 5 Performing Arts, the students are continuing to build on their interpretative skills to perform scripted drama. This is in preparation for the performance of The Wind in the Willows taking place in June. Students are developing characters and learning to express their voices with confidence. The rehearsal process in Term 2 has been an engaging and exciting experience for our students. 


Senior School Arts and Design 









On Tuesday 23 April, the Year 11 and 12 Visual Communication and Design students went to the Melbourne Museum to see the ‘Top Designs’ exhibit. The exhibit showcased many VCE Year 12 design students work who received a high score for their studies in 2023. Students were to take notes and be inspired by a range of visual design work, including; environmental design of architectural buildings of a station house, communication design of book covers, business cards, logos and printed t-shits and take away cups and bags, an industrial design of a Rubik’s cube solver and an interactive design of a Myoelectric Prosthetic Arm. 


We then made our way to The Lume where we saw Leonardo Da Vinci: 500 Years of Genius exhibition. Students saw how the artist was also an architect, engineer, scientist, anatomist and sculptor. We then got gelati and made our way by train back to school. 

Overall, the students were inspired about how many design careers and pathways they can choose to study at university and about the design work that was produced. 


On Tuesday 14 May, the Year 10, 11 and 12 Art: Creative Practice students went to the National Gallery of Victoria at the Ian Potter Centre where they viewed the ‘Top Arts’ exhibition. The exhibit showcased many VCE year 12 art students work who received a high score for their studies in 2023. We first had a lecture where they explained the work in the gallery space, the selection process and then we analysed some of the artworks that were shown in the galley. Afterwards, we were able to view and look at student’s visual diaries to see their thought process through their art making and responding to various artists, art forms and techniques and processes. We then had lunch before making our way back to school. Overall, the students were inspired about how they can make their visual diaries at school and how to apply for Top Arts this year.  


The World of Product Design 

Students in Year 6, 7, 8 and 9 Product Design have been developing their creative solutions into reality this term. They are working towards exploring their MYP Statement of Inquiry and discovering their hidden skills and talents along the way.

Product Design enables students to practically create innovative solutions.

Students in Year 6 is exploring the concept of time and space with design. Students in Year 7 is exploring the concept of motion and force. Year 8 is exploring sustainable wood products and Year 9 is exploring sustainable upcycled design.

It has been exciting to see their journey and the process in as meaningful as their final product!


Next Grammar News we will reveal the wonderful designs emerging from our students.


Ms Smit



Junior School Art

It is all about expression. Arts is crucial for the development of a child’s identity, self-confidence and sense of belonging to the world. It opens children’s minds and allows them to form thoughts and ideas that may surprise them. 


Our little Preps artists are proud to express their love for fauna via the creation of ducks and birds in 2D and 3D! They have used recycled beads, feathers, paper, and mini trays. During our reflection, students discussed the issues facing our planet and brainstormed on ways to inspire others to change their lifestyles and reuse their items in new, creative ways too. It was a sheer delight to hear their ideas!


Our Year 1 students continue their learning journey on warm and cool ‘Colours’ with the inspiration of Russian artist, Kandinsky. Their flowering tree artwork is finally taking shape, giving them a lot of pride and a sense of accomplishment.


Students in Year 2 continue working on pumpkin drawings and collage activities to understand the art element of form. They have also created some amazing works on the theme ‘Healthy Living’ in their favourite medium clay. Students find a healthy outlet for emotions as they reshape clay or playdough. It also gives them a sense of control.

The Year 3 students learnt about the Māori art and culture through a mask-making activity. There was some rich discussion about masks from different cultures before they began creating. They first created their scary masks using the most important tool imagination, and some inspiration from samples shown! Now they are expressing their love for cute cartoon animals in mask-making. 


Students in Year 4 are completing their canvas artwork. They were inspired by Judy Watson, an aboriginal Australian artist for technique and colour study on Marine animals

The Year 5 students are exploring Yayoi Kusama’s artworks and with her inspiration creating their own using collage and mixed media on their ‘Great Barrier Reef’ art project. Through this project, they are planning to express and convey a message to their audience, just like Kusama has.  


Expression of feelings through art really goes beyond verbal language.


Thank you,


Vibha Tripathi