







We are halfway through the Term and we have so many exciting activities planned.

Just a reminder to all parents that we have a ‘Come and Try Afternoon’ on Tuesday the 28 May from 1.30pm to 3.25pm. Parents, friends and grandparents are invited to come to their child’s Arrowsmith classroom and try their hand at the exercises. It will be fun to see the students teaching and challenging their parents with Tracing, Word and especially Clocks. Please email your child’s teacher if you will be attending.


I am pleased to say that we have organised an excursion toBounce on June 21 Please respond via Compass, if your child will be attending. Once we return from Bounce, we have organised Pizza for lunch.


Also, just a reminder that Friday June the 7th there will be no classes, as it is report writing day for teachers and Monday the 10 June is the King’s Birthday. Mrs Papadakis and I have begun writing our reports, which you will be able to access from Compass towards the end of the Term. 




Helen Gilinas

Acting Head of Arrowsmith