Classroom Highlights


This Term, our K4 classrooms have been buzzing with exciting activities and learning experiences. Here's a closer look at what they've been up to. 



Children have been learning the letters that make up their names. They participated in various activities to support this learning, such as cutting out letters and pasting them on a piece of paper. In another activity, the children moulded plasticine to form the letters of their name. Both activities exposed them to uppercase and lowercase letters. These activities were not only fun and engaging but also helped the children develop their fine motor skills and learn the letters that make up their name. 



We have been engaging with the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. After reading and discussing the characters, setting and plot, the children embarked on illustrating their own part of the story. The children drew their chosen section using black marker, pastels and pencils.  We had plenty of fun re-sequencing the story with our illustrations and trying to remember the order of the story!  


We were very excited to have the Year 3 and 4 students from our school come to the ELC to join us for the decorating of the Epitaphio. Everyone worked together and helped one another to create a beautiful symbol of love for Jesus. 



Cohort have continued their inquiry into bugs and insects from last term and followed onto their interest into bees and wasps. The children have begun to develop knowledge and understanding around the life cycle of the bee, how bees make honey and what is different between bees and wasps. We are excited in our continued inquiry interest to see where the children will take this as they are at the forefront of our inquiry by being researchers alongside the teachers.