Junior School 

Talking About Learning Together

As we have now fully transitioned continuous reporting to our Compass platform, we do envisage that this has become an invaluable tool for you to stay updated on your child's academic progress. By regularly reviewing these uploads alongside your child, you can celebrate their successes, share in conversations addressing identified areas for improvement, and strengthen the bond between home and school. 


The real-time snapshots of your child’s achievements offer a detailed view into their weekly accomplishments.  Recognising and celebrating your child’s learning together helps build their self- esteem and motivation, whilst acknowledging the process leading up to the shared work reinforces the value of effort and perseverance. 


Alongside successes, continuous reporting highlights areas where your child can set learning goals and steps to achieving these goals to improve and reach their fullest potential.


Our regular updates facilitate ongoing communication between you and your child's teacher across all learning domains.  This partnership ensures that you are both on the same page regarding your child's learning and effort.


Our approach to continuous reporting in the Junior School is designed to provide authentic snapshots of your child’s learning journey.  These updates offer a glimpse into what your child is experiencing and feeling during learning and helps you understand their learning journey.


Sarah Caffrey

Head of Academic Data and Junior School Curriculum