Middle School








Recently our Year 7 students attended their annual camp at Peninsula Outdoors in Merricks. We were lucky to have beautiful weather and sunshine for the time we were there. Camp is a valuable event in each year level, which provides the opportunity for students to build new friendships, strengthen current ones and participate in activities that challenge and push them out of their comfort zone. Elements such as these help to build resilience, independence and self-sufficiency. It was pleasing to see our students attempt all activities on offer and safely push their own personal limits. Congratulations to the Year 7 students for their efforts, respect and positive representation of our school.


As part of the Middle School Leadership portfolio, our Year 9 leaders organised our first World Diversity Cultural Day. This was a wonderful way to celebrate and recognise the many cultures we have at Oakleigh Grammar. Students came dressed in traditional dress or colours of their heritage. Various activities were on offer during our pastoral period, as organised and run by our student leaders. Artworks, sporting games and trivia were popular choices. Displays will be around our school of dot paintings, calligraphy and flags created by our students. We aim for this to become an annual event to celebrate our cultural diversity. Thank you to our Year 9 leaders, particularly Mary, for putting forward this initiative, and for your creation of this event. 


Moving through the rest of the term, it is important our students remain focused and well rested, as they begin entering the exam period (Year 9 only) and completing class assessments. Year 9 will have the opportunity next week to learn some tips and tricks that may support their exam preparations and study skills.


A reminder of the uniform expectations, as stated in page 11 of the school diary. Black tracksuit pants are not part of the sport uniform. Students are to only be in sport uniform on sport days, and part of the day on PE days. Winter uniform is to be worn the rest of the week. A signed note must be supplied by the parent to the homegroup teacher, which is valid for the day only. Chewing gum is also not permitted. It is important that our students are presentable and show pride in the uniform and our school. 


Ashlee Scott

Middle School Pastoral Coordinator