Senior School





After a bustling start to the term, marked by the celebrations of Orthodox Easter and the excitement of the NSE Games, it's now time to buckle down and get serious about academic responsibilities. The initial weeks of the term were filled with activities and festivities, but now the priority is to ensure that students are dedicating adequate time to their studies and shift their focus towards exam preparation. Semester Assessments for the year 10’s and SACs for the year 11’s are consistently on the assessment calendar, and it is essential that students manage their time and pause their work and social commitments for the next few weeks and begin to prepare thoroughly. Completing these assessment tasks with diligence will set a solid foundation for the upcoming exams.

For our Year 11 students, the next few weeks is particularly significant as they will soon be transitioning into their Unit 2 studies. Ensuring that they have a good understanding of the Unit 1 content will make the shift to Unit 2 smoother and more manageable.

In our pastoral sessions, we have been focusing on equipping students with essential study skills and time management techniques. These sessions have included:


Study Skills: Learning effective methods for retaining and understanding information.

Time Management: Creating schedules that balance study time with other responsibilities and activities.

Study Planners: Developing personalized study planners to track progress and ensure consistent study habits.

Note-Taking Tips: Techniques for summarizing information effectively and taking efficient notes during classes.


In addition to teaching all students effective study skills we have also sent numerous email reminders about the Elevate Education Parent Webinars. 

Recognizing the vital role parents play in their children's academic success, Elevate Education is hosting a series of webinars designed to help parents support their students during this challenging period. These webinars provide valuable insights into how parents can assist with study routines, manage stress, and create a conducive learning environment at home.


The latest webinar was held last Tuesday on How You Can Help Prepare Your Child for Exams and we had over 50% of our parents participate. We encourage all parents to take advantage of the upcoming sessions. Reminder emails will be sent out prior to each session.


As we navigate through the mid-term period, it's important for students to focus on their studies and complete their assessment tasks diligently. Utilizing the study skills and time management techniques discussed in pastoral sessions will greatly benefit their preparation. 


On another note, a group of year 11 and 12 students, teachers and family members organised an Oakleigh Grammar TEAM and participated in the Mother's Day Classic. Coming together for this significant cause, we not only honored mothers but also raised an impressive $1,000 for the Breast Cancer Foundation. This effort demonstrated our commitment to making a positive impact in the community and supporting critical health initiatives. 


Well done to all involved!


Manoj Patel and Paula D-Tsiagalos 

Senior School Pastoral Coordinator | Year 10 and 11 Year Level Leader