Deputy Principal's Report

Pastoral Care & Wellbeing 


At Oakleigh Grammar we take a wholistic approach to pastoral care and wellbeing, in tandem with our academic and co-curricular programs, as we endeavour to create and maintain a safe, nurturing and educational community where students can thrive.  We recognise the importance of working closely with our families and that all members of the community share in the responsibility for pastoral care and wellbeing.  We seek to ensure that our students graduate understanding the importance of kindness, respect, gratitude and humility, whilst maintaining a zest for life.


The Oakleigh Grammar Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Framework centres on 7 Core Pillars which are used as a foundation on which student wellbeing is intertwined through the whole school.  All pillars have equal value in importance as they meet the needs of students and are contemporary in approach whilst remaining reflective of our Vision and Values. 

For the purposes of a more in-depth understanding and to allow the development of an appropriate scope and sequence, each of the core pillars includes, at the next level down, a description of the key elements or focus of each pillar which also identifies some of the content. We believe that these important elements ensure that our students are provided with the skills and knowledge to thrive. 


As a School we will continue to work on enhancing our scope and sequencing to see where our gaps may be whilst remaining open to new ideas and developments.  Like all rich curriculum content, this is also ever evolving. The strength of our model is only as good as the living organism beneath it and how each person can help bring it to fruition. 



Identifying needs and ongoing monitoring: As part of our Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Model, significant emphasis is placed on identifying needs, implementing strategies of support for individuals, small groups and/or year levels, and monitoring students.  Aspects include, but not limited to:

  • Student wellbeing meetings and “traffic lights” reviews
  • Interventions through a triage approach and targeted support
  • Regular Pulse Surveys
  • First Aid visitation and behaviour incident tracking


Positive Learning Environment: Providing a positive learning environment is very important and there are several aspects of our framework that support positive behaviours.  These include, for example, our Behaviour Management Policy with various levels of responses, an emphasis on restorative practices and/or making green and red brain choices.


Rites of Passage and Transitions: Rites of passages, both significant and subtle, play an important role in shaping wellbeing. They serve as compass points, guiding students through school life and make the path memorable. These traditions and rituals all help to build a sense of belonging and connectedness to their school and each other. There is a key focus on the transitions into Oakleigh Grammar, from ELC to Prep, Junior School to Middle School, Middle School to Senior School. Key events – that help shape our School’s identity and help our students to make a connection to their school and each other also celebrated.


The following are recognised within the broader umbrella of pastoral care and wellbeing:

  • Pastoral Care curriculum
  • Health & Physical Education curriculum
  • Orthodox Christian Studies curriculum
  • Other subjects where links are made
  • Outdoor Education programs
  • Church Services, Assemblies and House events
  • Student Leadership Program
  • MYP IB Learner Profile & The Leader in Me 
  • Our Legislative requirements 


Pastoral and Wellbeing Team

Oversight of the Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Framework is undertaken by the School’s Pastoral and Wellbeing Team, chaired by the Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing and Operations.  There is a strong two-way connection between the Wellbeing Committee and other key staff in the School.  We recognise all staff have a responsibility for student wellbeing. 



Peter Dickinson 

Deputy Principal - Student Wellbeing and Operations