Principal's Report

Simone Roy

With our continuing good weather, just a reminder that winter is just around the corner and now is the time to get winter uniform items organised, to ensure students stay warm. Students can wear a long sleeved top under their school polo shirts, in the school colours of navy blue or white.

Annual Report to the School Community

The school will be presenting the 2023 Report to the School Community on Wednesday 22nd May. This report provides an update to our school community about the progress of the school last year against the 2023 Annual Implementation Plan, helping us to achieve our school goals set in the 4 year Strategic Plan. Everyone is welcome to come along to hear of our progress. Starting at 6pm in Room 9.

The Mystery of the Opal Heist

Congratulations to Le-Anne McCraw and the students in the “All the World’s a Stage” class for the successful performances of the school’s play. Ever creative, Le-Anne turned out a well organised production with her 10 students and an engaging script. The show was performed on 2 nights, and those who attended would attest to the skill, talent and courage drawn on by the students to make it all work. Well done to all involved!

Community Illness

With this time of the year, starts to come the traditional winter illnesses – flu, colds and we can now add COVID. There has also been some gastro going around.

The Department of Education aligns with the Department of Health, advising that if you have symptoms, you should stay home, so as not to share it around.

If you test positive for COVID, it is advised to stay away from school for 5 days. Masks, hand hygiene and not attending school when sick might help to limit the amount of illness that goes through school.

This week, it was announced that the Department have stopped providing Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) to schools, consistent with the closure of other free RAT distribution programs to the public, so they will no longer be available through the school.