Student Learning 


Zero the hero came to visit on the students 10th day at school. They then made paper chains with 10 bright colours.

Students have been working hard learning the difference between a letter and a word, and sorting them into columns.

We have also been doing lots of fun fine motor activities to get their fingers strong for writing. 

Year 1/2

Writing: Each class wrote a short story about changes over time and then brought their story to life with detailed illustrations.

Spelling: The students explored the different ways to read the /ā/ sound including ay, ai and a_e.

Maths: Some of the students completed extra extension work on regrouping and renaming two- and three-digit numbers.

Art: The art room was full of colour as the students created two beautiful rainbow artworks.

Year 3/4

Students have been working extremely hard on maintaining organised notebooks! We love celebrating their hard work by showcasing exemplar work.

During the Resilience Project students have been working to create a rectangular prism highlighting their character strength.

Each week every class has a scheduled library time. Students enjoy finding great books for themselves and to share with friends.

Students have been learning about 3D shapes and created them from webs.

We held our writing celebration on a beautiful sunny day! Students enjoyed sitting outside while reading, listening, and providing feedback.

Year 5/6

The grade 5/6s have been practicing lots of different art techniques; Tone, shade and value. They are all working hard and enjoying the variety of techniques they can use to create their own artworks. 

The grade 5/6s have been completing blitz at a rapid pace. We have already seen lots of success and can’t wait to see what comes for the remainder of the year. Keep working hard t be a future Blitz master.