Principal's Update

This term is flying along already! We are nearly at the end of Week 5 and next week we will welcome our Foundation students for their first full week of school. To assist in settling into the school routine, our Foundation students have had Wednesday's off so far, and we look forward to having them here for the full week.
NAPLAN will be completed during this term. All tests will be delivered in an online format and assess student knowledge and skills in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The tests will be completed by Year 3 and Year 5 students between Wednesday 12th March and Monday 17th March. More information will be sent out on Compass for parents of Year 3 and 5 students.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Parent/Teacher Interviews will be held on Thursday 20th March. We encourage all parents to book a time with your child(s) classroom teacher to discuss their progress so far, discuss any concerns there may be, what you can do to help at home and to celebrate their successes! You will be notified via Compass once bookings are open.
Unfortunately Mrs Rae will be unavailable on Thursday 20th March and Parent/Teacher Interviews for 1/2R will be split across two days, Monday 17th March and Tuesday 18th March.
If the available times are not suitable, you can contact the school to arrange an alternative time/day.
Building Works
Over the next 3 weeks we will be having some of our ramps and stairs replaced. There are areas around the Multi Purpose Room and Canteen which have been fenced off to facilitate the building works. Access to the Multi Purpose room will be available throughout the process. Unfortunately access will not be available to the canteen next week. Our canteen will be closed from Monday 3rd March through to Friday 7th March. No lunch orders or counter sales will be available in this time.
Remember my door is always open if you have any questions.
Have a great week!
Claye Runnalls