Class 3/Steiner
Celebrating Learning
Class 3/Steiner
Celebrating Learning
What we’ve been up to
In 3/4S we’ve been working together to prepare for the NAPLAN testing which begins next week. Students have sat two practice writing tests with prompts similar to those provided during NAPLAN. We’ve also had a couple of sessions on laptops to familiarise ourselves with online tests. This has been a great opportunity to complete some pre-assessments for mathematics, the data from which will inform our future lessons.
In Mathematics, students have been learning all about standard units of measurement. Students are discovering the most appropriate unit to measure various sized objects and spaces. They have been practising measuring lengths and areas, then making connections to the perimeter. Some questions that have arisen are:
How can we make sure we measure the length of an object with accuracy?
Why might two people who measure the same object get a different result?
If the area of a space is 16cm2, is the perimeter always the same or can it change?
World of Maths Incursion
Students attended a World of Maths incursion last week. They had the opportunity to engage with hands-on, sensory and problem-solving activities closely related to situations in the real world. It was a huge success, and students enjoyed having the opportunity to engage with maths in a different way!
3/4 students have been focusing on crafting persuasive texts, using a variety of persuasive devices. They have also been exploring narrative writing in preparation for NAPLAN, practicing story planning, drafting, revising, and editing.
In Reading, students have been engaging in daily quiet independent reading, responses to class texts and participating in discussions. In the coming weeks we will begin practicing Reciprocal Reading.
In Writing, students have been practicing converting their notes and fragments of sentences into expansive sentences, using appropriate conjunctions and various sentence types. Students are about to jump back into the Writers’ Workshop process; seeding, planning, drafting, revising and editing, with new seeds and topics to dissect.
What’s coming up:
Maths incursion:
“I liked the escape activity the best because it was really interesting getting all tangled up in the chains with Anouk and Rani” - Sophie
“My favourite activity was the seesaw because it was fun” - Leo
“I liked the escape activity because we got all tangled up. I think we did really good teamwork in our group” - Rani
“My favourite activity was ‘crack the secret code’ and I learned that maths is everywhere” - Coen
“I liked the new experiences and different ways I learned how to do maths” - Gabriel
“I learned that some stuff that can seem impossible is possible” - Otto
“I thought the incursion was really fun because I like maths. My favourite activity was ‘ball control’. It was easy for my group because we communicated so well” - Jozi
“I liked it! It was very very fun. The best activity was the instructions one. I usually read maps for mum when we go places and it felt like reading a map” - Lucy