Class Prep / 1 Steiner
Celebrating Learning
Class Prep / 1 Steiner
Celebrating Learning
Badgerina skip, Badgerina quick… Badgerina clap, Badgerina back…
While Spike has been enjoying counting things in the classroom and finding friends of ten with gemstones and magic beans, Badgerina has been dancing.
Look at him go leaping and dancing over numbers. Badgerina skip, Badgerina quick, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, Badgerina clap, Badgerina back 12, 10… The children have been skipping and clapping along too.
The children enjoyed our maths incursion with class 2 last week two, I mean too.
We are enjoying composing ditties to the Piper’s tune with our sounds of the day. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers… An alligator ate an apple when the apple ate him…
We are having fun guessing what’s in the magic sounding pot each day and composing sentences with what we find: A cat in a cape and crown ate cake on a cushion…
We continue to dream into Grimm’s Fairy Tales through storytelling, singing, drama, play, clay, building and construction, drawing and painting with primary colours.