Prep / 1 Mainstream
Celebrating Learning
Prep / 1 Mainstream
Celebrating Learning
What we have been up to:
PBL (play-based learning):
We have been posing questions and challenges to students as a provocation to further engage and extend our maths unit on measuring with informal units in a real world setting.
In number this week, we have been connecting number names, numerals and quantities.
Both F/1 classes had a great experience at the World of Maths incursion last week. Students engaged with different games, puzzles and problems which were designed to encourage reasoning, problem solving and collaboration.
We are getting really accurate in being able to tell when a character and a setting are introduced in a story read aloud. We have introduced the “problem” card this week and have been identifying different problems that pop up in narratives. We have introduced these story grammar elements with a flash card and an action to help students recognise different elements of a narrative text.
In our reading groups over the past two weeks, we have been focussing on the following sounds:
Juliette and Jess:
Matt was reviewing:
Steph was learning:
Writing/ speaking and listening:
Students have continued discussing events that have happened on their weekends. Foundation students have been learning about recording events visually and explaining their drawing to their teacher. As we have now learnt about a few different sounds/ letters, students are being encouraged to map sounds in their drawing. We’ve been prompting them with questions like
Year 1 students have been reviewing how to expand a simple sentence. We know that a simple sentence needs to include at least two information fragments”- a “who/ what” and a “what happened”. Adding information such as “where?” and “when?” can help our reader gain more information from our writing. E.g.: Yesterday, I went swimming at the Northcote pool. This work reminds our year 1s to write in complete sentences so that their writing continues to develop.
What’s to come in the next two weeks:
Juliette and Jess