In the community

Wednesday 19th March at Thornbury P.S
On this day, we encourage the students to choose an alternative form of transport to get to school. If possible; bike, scooter, skateboard, walking, or even PT to school. If you come by car, see if you can walk the last km!
As Thornbury Primary School is located between two major roads, we encourage you to prepare your child by practising the safest route to school beforehand.
Leigh will be welcoming students and their families at the main school gate with Josh and some other teachers. They will be taking pictures and giving out prizes like free water bottles, locks and stickers to the students who have decorated their bike or made a significant effort with their family.
On the day we are asking you to park your vehicles in the following locations when you arrive at the school:
Prep /1/ 2s - Left side of the bike shed.
3/4s - In the main bike shed.
5/6s - Down the side of the Babajen, or inside the bike shed if there is room
Park as neatly and organised as you can, to make room for everyone.
Remember why you are riding: It is not only about the environment but also about your fitness and wellbeing.
Ring your bells and show everyone that riding your bike/scooter or walking is a great alternative on our busy streets!!
Thanks Everyone
Leigh/Josh - Ride to school team.