
Welcome back to school to all students and a special mention to the new families and  at the school. It' such an exciting time for the students as they make their way on this journey through their primary school years. There are so many new challenges when first coming to school and for the parents and carers as they begin to engage with their child’s schooling.


Part of being involved in a Primary School community for some families is the opportunity to be part of sporting events and to be part of your child’s learning as they begin to be challenged by new subjects and new expectations as they grow and mature. Sport is a big part of all our lives and as children it is the expression of freedom and being in your body as it grows. 


The Prep/1s start with learning to play together and being aware of what they can do in their body as they grow stronger and more confident. My job is to support that love of sport and movement and make it something that they look forward to and enjoy in a school day. Most children find playing easy so giving children that opportunity is important. 


The grade twos have settled into school routines, so rules are particularly important to this age group as they try to make sense of the world around them which includes relationships with other children.


The age of the 3/4s is a lovely period of growth. Children slow down before they begin the burst of energy that starts to shape who they are and develop the capacity to learn and take on more information. The 3/4s also have the chance to participate in larger school events including swimming, cross country, and the athletics carnival. Children will excel as they build up body strength and their skills will progress with activities outside of school and home. 


The 5/6s are now the senior students in the school and the expectations of their behaviour and understanding are changing. The opportunity and capacity to learn more increases. The 5/6s have all the other sports, plus Gala events that are played across schools in the districts. They will have the opportunity to play soccer, cricket, football, rounders, softball and basketball. This age group really looks forward to using their energy as they mature and explore what it means to be a young adult. 


This year will be like other years and some things never change but what is unique is the individuality of children. My hope is that they learn to love sport and have a part of their life that is physical, not just for health and wellbeing but also the camaraderie and friendship that comes from playing games and sports together. 


I will be posting an update of sporting events that the school offers on compass and also letting families know when they can be volunteers spectators at events too! I will post dates on compass the week of the 23/02. If you have any questions, send me an email or catch up with me in the yard. 


I hope to meet the families through the events and look forward to supporting your child’s development in Physical Education at Thornbury P.S. 


Some pics from the recent Swimming Day:


Leigh Collins 

Email; Leigh.collins@education.vic.gov.au