From Leadership

Dear parents and carers,
We’re really excited about our, now annual, community STEM Festival on Tuesday 1st April. The activities of this event profile the learning students have been doing in STEM with Josh this year, as well as some engaging hands-on interactive activities suitable for any age. Activities include:
Sphero Soccer
Scratch and Scratch Jnr – simple coding programs that promote computational thinking and problem-solving skills, and creativity
Micro:bits - pocket-sized computers designed to inspire creative thinking. They can be programmed in many different ways and have multiple uses.
Makey Makey - a little device you plug into a computer, and you use it to make your own switches that act like keys on the keyboard: a simple circuit board that lets you program everyday objects to a computer.
Ozobots - little robots that are designed as an introduction to coding. Use colour combinations to move the Ozobots on a path from one location to another.
MakeDo - a series of safe tools purposely designed for kids to imagine and build cardboard construction.
Drones – fly drones from one point to another using programmed codes on an iPad
Felting – wet felting shapes
Shelter Building
Billy cart time trials – time trials around a course in billy carts designed and built by the 5/6 carpentry elective team last year
Water Rockets – soft drink bottle rockets using water and compressed air as propulsion. We will have a range of different bottle rockets but we also encourage you to make and bring your own. You might consider aerodynamics and even parachutes. Soft drink bottles need to be 1.25litres in order to fit on the rocket launchers
- Pinewood Derby – we invite families to design and construct a miniature car that can travel along our specially designed track which contains a starting ramp and long straight section. The cars must be unpowered with a length of no more than 180mm (18cm) and a width of no more than 70mm (7cm) to fit down a track that is 80mm (8cm) wide. Aerodynamics, drag, friction and other scientific concepts will be tested in racing your Pinewood cars against others. This year there will be a trophy awarded to the winning car.
In addition, there will also be a barbeque which will be run by our staff.