Learning and Teaching

Tick-Tock Time Masters: Time-Telling Adventures in Learning Space 2!
This week in Mathematics, the Juniors in Learning Space 2 have been excited to learn about Time!
Our Clinic 1 students have been exploring how time can be described in different ways. They have been learning about the days of the week through songs, stories, and various activities, making connections to daily events. They have also been introduced to the concepts of “Yesterday,” “Today,” and “Tomorrow.”
Our Clinic 2 and 3 students have been learning to read analogue clocks. Clinic 2 has been focusing on understanding the positions of the minute and hour hands when showing O’Clock and Half Past times. Clinic 3 has been building on this knowledge, learning to read Half Past, Quarter To, and Quarter Past times. The students have had a fantastic time this week, enjoying hands-on games and activities that made learning about analogue clocks fun and engaging!
We hope you have a lovely long weekend!
Natasha, Matilda, Sarah, Kristy and Andriana
LS2 Junior Teachers ☺️
Lent is a significant period of spiritual preparation leading up to Easter, one of the most important celebrations in our Catholic faith. The senior students worked collaboratively with our juniors in LS2 to reflect on what actions they would like to take this Lenten season, as they become confident “Pilgrims of Hope”. They wrote their lenten promises on footprints as they take this journey with Jesus, as stewards of God.
Students reflected on how lent is not just a time of giving up something you love but a time for spiritual renewal. It is a time of Repentance & Reflection, Fasting & Sacrifice, Charity & Almsgiving, Penance & Forgiveness, but most importantly a time of Preparation.
We aim to have more collaborative learning experiences across the junior and senior team, as we grow together as one family in one faith.
Amy/Claire, Grace/Rita, Melody
LS2 Senior Teachers
What a great night!!
Thank you to all the SFS staff for their support. We could not hold events like this without them. We would also like to thank Parents & Friends for cooking hundreds of sausages; the staff and students really appreciated their snack!! We would also like to thank the parents that assisted us to put up the marquees in the afternoon and then helped us to take them down at the end of the night. It was definitely a community event with everyone joining in to make it a great evening.
And I am so proud of all our students. Their cheering was amazing and they demonstrated great sportsmanship. I watched a number of Grade 6s hug each other, showing their support for each other as they finished their races. They are becoming such responsible young men and women, demonstrating their support for one another. SFS School and parents should be very proud!
A group of our Grade 6s demonstrated their leadership as they assisted with Twilight Sports. We had students helping lead the cheering with their Houses, returning students to their Houses after the races and preparing juniors for their races. Thank you to the Grade 6s!! We are very proud of you!!
It was a close competition and we would like to congratulate all the students and teachers in each House for a fantastic effort! Congratulations to Bosco for winning the House Sports Shield for 2025!! Well done! And a big congratulations to all Houses for their cheering!! Well done to MacKillop for winning the House Spirit Shield for 2025!
We would also like to congratulate Dominique for winning the Grade 6 Gift. She will now have the opportunity to attend District Athletics to represent SFS in the 100 metre race.
Other Senior students who came first in their running race will also have the opportunity to represent their age group in District Athletics and try out later in the year.
A big thanks to everyone for your support!
Lulli and Giuliana
The schools we are playing, dates and locations for these events are as follows:
- Friday March 21st, Kilberry Primary School - Away Game.
- Friday March 28th, Lynbrook Primary School - Away Game.
- Friday May 2nd, Lyndhurst Primary School - Home Game.
- Friday May 16th, Rivergum Primary School - Home Game.
- Friday May 23rd, St Kevins Primary School - Home Game.
- Friday June 6th, Coral Park Primary School - Away Game.
- Tuesday June 17th, Winter Lightning Premiership
Venues for each sport are as follows for Lightning Premiership:
- Soccer - Livingston Reserve
- AFL 9’s - Livingston Reserve
- Netball - Casey Stadium
- Volleystars - Casey Stadium
- Teeball - Casey Fields- Oval 3 (behind the Athletics Track)
For away matches and the Lightning Premiership students will travel to and from the venue via chartered bus with staff members attending.
Lulli Barbakos
Physical Education Teacher
Next Tuesday four senior students will be representing SFS and the Hampton Park District at Divisional Swimming. We wish Evangeline, Sarah, Andre and Matthew all the best. We will let you know how they go next week.
Juniors have commenced their Athletic Clinics. This week they learnt how to do triple jump and then practised long jump and triple jump in our new long jump pit. Students had a great time and definitely learnt new skills.
The dates and times for the program are listed below so parents can ensure their child is wearing their sports uniform and brings their hat and water bottle. We thank DS Sports for providing our coaches.
WEEK 7 – Tuesday 11/3/2025 | ATHLETICS SESSION 2 LS2 & LS3
WEEK 7 – Thursday 13/3/2025 | ATHLETICS SESSION 2 LS1
WEEK 8 - Monday 17/3/2025 | ATHLETICS SESSION 3 LS2 & LS3
WEEK 8 - Friday 21/3/2025 | ATHLETICS SESSION 3 LS1
WEEK 9 – Monday 24/3/2025 | ATHLETICS SESSION 4 (Last Session) LS2 & LS3
WEEK 9 - Friday 28/3/2025 | LS2 & LS3 |
Our staff and students definitely getting into the competitive spirit as the practise their House cheering for Twilight Sports. I wonder who will the House Spirit Award on Thursday night??
Next week on Wednesday our FREE after school Come and Play Girls AFL Clinic Will be held. Please join us on the oval straight after school. Further details can be found in the Operoo notification already sent out. If you would like your daughter to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity please scan the QR code on the flyer below and register your daughter. There is no cost for the clinic,
On the last day of term, which will be Friday April 4th, the whole school will be involved in our traditional Cross Country which will be held at school. We will be looking for the winning House as well as the winners for each level in the Juniors and age group in the Seniors. We will also be identifying the Senior students who will qualify to attend District Cross Country in Term 2.
Please save the date so you can come and support your child. We will also be asking for parent assistance on the day. Remember to assist, you must have a current Working with Children Check registered with the school office.
Extra-Curricular Coordinator