Education in Faith

First Sunday in Lent - Year C


The Temptation of Jesus in the Desert

This weekend is the First Sunday in Lent. On the first Sunday of Lent, we read about Jesus' time in the wilderness, where He was tempted by the devil after fasting for forty days. This event follows immediately after Jesus’ baptism, when He was filled with the Holy Spirit. The devil seizes the opportunity to test Jesus, trying to derail Him from His mission by appealing to His basic human needs, desires for power, and pride.


In the first temptation, the devil challenges Jesus to turn stones into bread, tempting Him to satisfy His hunger after fasting. Jesus responds by quoting Scripture, reminding the devil that "man does not live by bread alone" (Luke 4:4). This teaches us that physical needs are important, but our spiritual life is even more vital, and we must not let our desires overpower our dependence on God.


The second temptation offers Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if He worships the devil. This test of power and control invites Jesus to take a shortcut to glory and reign over the world without the suffering of the cross. Jesus responds again by quoting Scripture, declaring that only God is worthy of worship, showing us that true authority comes from serving God, not from worldly power.


In the third and final temptation, the devil takes Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple and dares Him to throw Himself down, expecting that angels will save Him. This challenge is an appeal to pride, asking Jesus to prove His identity as the Son of God. Jesus refuses, citing Scripture again, saying, “Do not put the Lord your God to the test” (Luke 4:12). Jesus teaches us that we should not test God or seek signs to prove our faith but trust in His plan and His love for us.


In each of these temptations, Jesus remains faithful and resilient, not giving in to the immediate gratification, power, or self-glorification that the devil offers. Instead, He relies on the strength of Scripture and the power of God’s Word to stand firm. As a result, the devil leaves, and angels come to minister to Him, providing strength for the journey ahead.


Reflection with Family:

The temptation of Jesus shows us that the spiritual life is not a passive one but involves active resistance against the forces that seek to lead us astray. The devil's temptations mirror the struggles we face in our own lives: the desire to satisfy our immediate wants, the temptation to gain power and control, and the lure of pride and self-reliance.


During Lent, we are invited to reflect on these same temptations in our own hearts. It is a time to examine how we might be seeking to fulfil our needs in unhealthy ways, how we might be tempted by pride or the pursuit of power, and where we may be testing God instead of trusting Him. By turning to Scripture, prayer, and fasting, we can find strength to resist these temptations and draw closer to God.



Discussion Starters:

  • Facing Temptation: What are some specific temptations in your life that you struggle with, and how can you resist them in the spirit of Lent?
  • The Power of Scripture: Jesus uses Scripture to resist each temptation. How can you make Scripture a more active part of your life to help you resist temptation?
  • Desires and Needs: In the first temptation, Jesus teaches that we need more than just physical sustenance. How can we focus more on our spiritual nourishment during Lent?
  • Worldly Power vs. God’s Will: The second temptation offered Jesus worldly power in exchange for worshiping the devil. How can we avoid being tempted by the desire for control and instead seek to follow God's will for our lives?
  • Pride and Humility: In the third temptation, the devil tempts Jesus to prove His identity. How can pride affect your relationship with God? What steps can you take to practice humility during this Lenten season?
  • Trusting God: Jesus refused to test God’s plan. In what areas of your life do you need to trust God more fully, especially when things are uncertain?

As we begin this Lenten season, may we take inspiration from Jesus’ example in the desert. Let us turn to God’s Word for strength, resist the temptations that seek to lead us astray, and draw closer to God through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. May this be a time of spiritual renewal and deeper faith.

Sacramental Dates for 2025

Parents please check the following dates

  • Grade 2 will receive First Reconciliation in Term 4 on Thursday, 20th November 2025.
  • Grade 3 will receive First Eucharist in Term 2 on Saturday, 21st June 2025.
  • Grade 6 will receive Confirmation – Term 3 on Saturday, 6th September 2025.

Reconciliation: baptised Catholics in Year 2.

Eucharist: baptised Catholics in Year 3 or who have celebrated their Reconciliation.

Confirmation: Year 6 Catholics who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Eucharist.


If you have any further questions regarding your child receiving these Sacraments, please feel free to contact me at the school.


Day / Date/Time




Formation Night for Parents ONLY

- Eucharist


Tuesday, 25th March 

6:30 pm Registration 

7- 8 pm - Session at St. Kevin’s School Hall


Formation Night for Parents ONLY-Confirmation ($25 for Stole and Certificates need to be paid in an envelope to the front office at SFS)

Wednesday, 26th March

6:30 pm Registration 

7- 8 pm - Session at St. Kevin’s School Hall


Sacrament Commitment Mass

Eucharist & Confirmation

Thursday, 27th March

6:30 pm Registration 

7- 8 pm - Mass at St. Kevin’s Church




Eucharist Retreat Day (Yr 3)

Tuesday, 17th June - at SFS - Regular school working day for children


Sacrament of Eucharist (Yr 3)

Saturday, 21st June 12:30 pm at St. Kevin’s Church




Confirmation Retreat & 

Reconciliation Day (Yr 6s)

Wednesday, 3rd September - at SFS - Regular school working day for children


Meeting with the Bishop (Yr 6s)TBA (meeting with Bishop)
Sacrament of Confirmation (Yr 6s)

Saturday, 6th, September Mass at 11 am at St. Patrick’s Cathedral




Reconciliation Enrolment & 

Information Night for Parents ONLY

(Yr 2s)

Tuesday, 7th October

6:30 pm Registration ($25 for Stole, candle and Certificates for ALL Sacraments)

7- 8 pm - Mass at St. Kevin’s Church


Reconciliation Commitment Mass (Yr 2s)

Friday, 17th October

6:30 pm Registration 

7- 8 pm - Mass at St. Kevin’s Church


Reconciliation Student Information 

Sessions (Yr2s)

Fri 7th Nov 11:40 am

Wed 12th November 11:40 am

at SFS - Regular school working day for children


Sacrament of Reconciliation (Yr2s)


Thursday, 20th November 

6:30 pm Registration 

7- 8 pm - Mass at St. Kevin’s Church

God Bless  

Rozeta Ambrose

Religious Education Leader








First Week of Lent

(Week beginning Monday 10 March)


This Lent, we’re invited to Unite Against Poverty with Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion. This year is especially significant as we celebrate the Jubilee Year - a time of renewal and solidarity.


Project Compassion 2025 shares three stories from around the world. We’ll meet Toefuata'iga - (Toy-foo-ah-tah-ing-ah) a young student from Samoa who faced severe water shortages at her school. Thanks to Caritas Australia and the generosity of supporters like you, her school now has a 10,000 L water tank improving hygiene and allowing the teachers to prioritise education.


We’ll get to know Lam from Vietnam, born with short stature, Lam faced social exclusion and limited employment opportunities – through the I-SHINE program, Lam is now a freelance graphic designer.


And we’ll meet Irene from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) who faced immense challenges after losing her father to war and raising her children in poverty. With support from Caritas Australia, Irene received vocational training in sewing and farming and can now support her whole family.


Watch our Introduction to Project Compassion film HERE - be inspired by 3 powerful stories of resilience and strength, and learn the impact that your support can have on vulnerable communities around the world. 


Project Compassion boxes with House Ribbons are now in each of the Learning Spaces and there’s also a set in the office. We ask or SFS community to donate generously. Families are also able to collect a Project Compassion box from the office to take home. We hope that the students and families will give generously this Lenten Season as we ‘Unite against poverty.’

Next week Mini Vinnies will collect and count Project Compassion donations and the amounts donated by each Hose will be added to the Community Spirit Award points.



Mini Vinnies Facilitator