From the Principal

Twinkling, Sparkling Stars align and Shine Brightly
We had the perfect evening for our 2025 Twilight School Sports. A temperature of 25C with some cloud cover and gentle breeze were just the right ingredients for a sensational St Francis de Sales community gathering.
Our little stars from Foundation to Year 6 sure did shine and made us all very proud. They sprinted down the straight and enjoyed novelty events from sack races, tunnel ball, relays and a novelty dress up relay for our youngest students. The decibels were high as they cheered with great gusto to mighty good chants. The sportsmanship and enthusiastic participation definitely was the icing on the cake.
They say many hands make light work and today was a great testament to this old saying. The specialists worked together to prepare the lines, parents came forward to set up, the staff all did their jobs to share the load and responsibilities and the Year 6 students were sensational marshals and kept us to the schedule and we even finished early!! The P&F with a new committee did a fantastic job and it was great to have the help of many volunteers when it was time to pack up. It makes me so proud of our wonderful positive spirit and the generous giving of time and effort by so many people. That is what you call a great school community.
It is always tremendous to see the support given by our parents that come and cheer on the children. Congratulations to all the mums and dads who participated in the parent's races. Wonderful also to have so many toddlers confidently line up to have a go at racing.
Congratulations to Dominique who won the Year 6 Gift. It was a close finish and a great effort by our Year 6 Gift competitors. Check out the Learning & Teaching section of this newsletter for the announcement of the winners of our Sports trophy and Spirit Award.
Finally, a massive thank you to Lulli our PE teacher and Giuliana our PE admin teacher for all their work to ensure a successful Twilight Sports. They make it happen and their dedication and professionalism is such a great asset to our school. Well done team.
I am sure you agree that as the planets align in our universe the many twinkling stars aligned in a cosmic wonder at Lynbrook for our 2025 Twilight School sports!!
St Patrick's Day - 17th March 2025
Children may wear a touch of Green or all green clothes to school.
Burning of the Ashes
On Tuesday after enjoying delicious pancakes cooked by our P&F and served with honey we gathered as a whole school for a brief but memorable event. It was the first time we had gathered as a whole school in our yarning circle and garden. We all did fit in and it was a very moving and reflective time. Our students absorbed the moment and their stillness and reverence created a powerful spiritual atmosphere. The acoustics in this space also made the music and singing extra meaningful. We gathered for the first time as a school to witness the burning of the ashes. Palms from last Easter were blessed and burned in the fire pit. We watched the flames take hold and the plume of smoke rise and dissipate above our heads.
The blessed ashes were then used on Ash Wednesday's Mass.
Ash Wednesday marks the commencement of Lent as we reflect and get ready for Easter.
SRC Of 2025 Semester One get started....
On Monday our SRC for 2025 Semester one were presented to the school in a special morning gathering in the hall. The SRC was presented with their badges. We congratulate them and wish them well as they begin this important role.
The SRC did not waste any time getting the wheels turning on one of their plans. After making a decision that they wanted to start by getting all Home Groups to use the Yarning Circle for morning Gathering. They set about developing a plan. A roster was developed and a plan to communicate the initiative was made. By Wednesday, the plan was being successfully implemented. This week Home Groups TP and GR have had a very prayerful time around the yarning circle to commence their day.
Enrol Now for Prep 2026 at St Francis de Sales
If you have a child (sibling) due to start school in 2026, please submit your enrolment application by Friday 14 March 2025. Thanks to the many parents who have already submitted their application.
We will be completing interviews for siblings wishing to commence school at St Francis de Sales in 2026 this term.
Please inform neighbours and friends who will have a child eligible to start school in 2026 to book a tour. We have tours nearly every morning at 9 am. We will be commencing interviews for new families at the start of Term 2.
Help promote our school and share stories of the great learning and extra curricula opportunities we provide.
Word of mouth stories about our great school community is the BEST promotion.
Administration of Medication Policy
St Francis de Sales Primary School has a duty of care to ensure that reasonable care is taken, and appropriate processes are in place when administering all medications in the school environment and during school related activities. Our school requires that parents must make a written request to the school when their child requires medication to be taken during school hours or during school activities including school camps and excursions.
The school requires written advice from parents/guardians/carers about the administration of all medication within school environments and during school activities (including over the counter or prescription) via a Medication Authority Form (MAF).
The MAF must be signed by the parent/guardian/carer, and by an authorised Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) registered medical / health practitioner. The form is available on the school website under Our Policies and then in School Policies.
Parents/guardians/carers have a responsibility to provide all medication in the original packaging with the original label including the name of the student (for prescription medication), information on the dosage, storage requirements, method, and time to be administered.
Parents of children that have medication expiring during Term 1 are asked review the medication and if applicable to supply the school with medicine that is current.
2025 School Fees
Statements / Invoice were sent home recently.
Please check your child's school bag.
Do you have one of these cards?
CSEF—Camp, Sports and Excursion Fund)
If you do, you may be eligible for $150 for each of your children from the government to go towards your swimming fees, excursion fees or camp fees.
It’s easy—just fill out the CSEF form available from the school office and present your current Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card and we will do the rest for you.
Applications should be completed and lodged with us as soon as possible in Term 1. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card, you may be eligible for CSEF. This allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
It is essential that you have a fee paying agreement with the school. You can get a discount by paying your fees upfront this term. Alternatively you may pay by the term, month, fortnight or weekly. Which ever way you choose please let us know by completing the fee agreement.
Paying fees by a direct debit is encouraged.
Christine White