What's happening in our learning spaces? 


FLWAllegra - For having a positive attitude throughout the week when following the morning routine and when also completing your learning tasks throughout the day. Fantastic effort, Allegra!
FOSEmilia B - For always being focused, trying her best, and tackling every challenge with a smile! And for great effort in using letter sounds to write about her weekend adventures! Excellent, Emilia!!
FAMJack - For being determined to grow and develop in all that you do! You have been making a wonderful effort to produce neat, detailed drawings, and it really shows. Keep it up Jack!
1/2VSAlexandra - For always showing a positive attitude towards learning and for being a focused learner who always tries her best. You are a star Alexandra, keep shining bright!
1/2VBElla - For putting in extra effort into all learning tasks this week and going beyond what was expected. Keep reaching for the stars! 
1/2NALeo - For working hard and showing great independence in your learning, you’ve done an amazing job! Keep shining, you superstar! 
1/2CWKenzo - For his positive attitude throughout the week, tackling all learning tasks with determination and giving your best effort. Keep up the great work, Kenzo!
3/4BPEva - For showing great persistence and determination towards her learning each day. Keep shining Eva!
3/4SHEva K - For her creativity and initiative when writing her poem on global warming at home. You are talented, capable and inspiring. Well done, Eva!
5/6ZKAlexander - For being a super speller when practicing your focus words of the week, not only great spelling but fantastic cursive writing! Amazing Alexander.
5/6MCDarius - For being a super contributor to class discussions, your input to the class’ learning is exceptional! We have loved hearing your insights about the class novel, “A Ghost in the Suitcase.” Keep it up, Darius!
5/6NTJuliano - For his willingness to read the class novel aloud and share his insights which helps foster a positive classroom environment.


We had a very exciting week in Foundation, with a little introduction to Discovery Time as we engaged in our very first sessions!


Discovery Time Workshops include several provocations, designed by teachers around the interests of the learner, to stimulate curiosity.  They invite the learner to explore, question, experiment, create, make, collaborate and problem-solve. 


We were able to choose something that we were curious about or that interested us, and collaborate with our peers to design, explore, build and solve problems. We were very busy being thinkers, collaborators, communicators, researchers, self-managers, mathematicians, builders and writers! 


As writers, we created stories and picture books at the writing station with a partner. We collaborated to solve different puzzles and discovered that if we work together, we will finish the puzzle quicker. We also worked together as builders when constructing with large wooden blocks, boxes and lego pieces focusing on sharing materials and taking turns. As researchers and scientists, we investigated different Dinosaurs. We looked closely at them and identified their features, sharing our thoughts and wonderings. As mathematicians, we used a range of different materials, such as beads, blocks, teddies, counters, shapes and loose parts to make different numbers, and created our own patterns using these things. We had so much fun!  

As part of The Resilience Project, we focused on feelings and emotions, and naming and identifying them in different situations. We considered how we have felt during our transition to school, and discussed how feelings are normal, they are part of being human and they are neither good nor bad. 

We also had our Foundation Buddy Mass yesterday, which was a wonderful culmination of our transition to school program. Thank you to everyone for attending and to Father Brendan for his beautiful mass! We will still have many opportunities to engage with our buddies throughout the year. 


This week, we will be learning about…

  • Numeracy: counting and days of the week
  • Reading: syllables and identifying key characters and events in a story
  • Writing: writing about our experiences- drawing detailed pictures and recording initial sounds
  • Inquiry: Discovery Time and Agreed Ways on the playground 
  • Religion: Shrove Tuesday and Lent- making pancakes and engaging in an Ash Wednesday liturgy
  • The Resilience Project: continuing to explore feelings and emotions

As we enter Week 6 of Term 1, we kindly encourage you as parents to allow your child to walk into their learning spaces independently. Our focus this term is on becoming a self-manager and building the confidence and resilience to follow the morning routines.


Stay tuned for next week’s newsletter and don’t forget to follow St Fidelis on Instagram to stay up to date with all that is happening at school. Have a lovely week!


Foundation Team, 

Leanne Wenckowski, Alycia Marsico, and Olivia Sargent 



What a fantastic week of learning we have had! This week we began looking at recount writing. As writers we unpacked the purpose and structure of a recount text. We have analysed different recount texts to identify the title, orientation, sequence of events and personal statement. We have worked hard to write recounts about our incursion and weekends, making sure we include the correct structure, using our knowledge of colourful semantics to help us form grammatically correct sentences. 


As mathematicians, we have been investigating numbers, particularly looking at place value. Throughout the week, we have been presented with many opportunities to use different materials, such as unifix blocks, bundling sticks and MABs to make 2-digit numbers and even 3-digit numbers! As thinkers, we noticed that using materials helps create a deeper understanding of numbers and place value. 

As inquirers, we have been practising the skill of collaboration. We have been given opportunities to work in a team and figure out what it takes to be a collaborator. One fun activity was making paper chains in a small group. As thinkers, we reflected on our actions and words when working together and explained what worked well and what did not work well in our teams. We are excited to practise these skills in the classroom and outside.  

As readers, we have been learning to understand the texts we read. We have been practising how to make great predictions, amazing text-to-self connections and explaining events that happen in the beginning, middle and the end of the texts we have read. These comprehension strategies are helping us understand our texts and supporting our development of  becoming stronger readers. 

Vania Sparano, Vivian Boggis, Nadia Ascenzo & Chloe Wang

1/2 Team



We continue to engage in the SMART Spelling program and are becoming more aware of different spelling patterns. In Week 5, we’ll explore the tricky digraph /ti/, which makes the ‘sh’ sound, just like in station and action! Then in Week 6, we’ll tackle the plural rule for words ending in f or fe—where we swap the f for ves, turning leaf into leaves

As lifesavers, we took part in an exciting Life Saving Victoria excursion to Sandridge Beach. We learned how to stay safe in and around water, practised survival and rescue skills, and even practiced resuscitating someone using the ‘Baby Shark’ song! Afterwards, we enjoyed lunch at the adventure playground, where we had a blast exploring the awesome activities. It was a fantastic day of learning and fun! A big thank you to all the parents and staff who attended.

As writers, we’ve been diving into Roald Dahl’s classic novel, ‘Matilda’. This week, we explored Matilda through three unique lenses: her opinions of herself and others, qualities, and physical appearance; how she thinks and feels about the world around her; and the fascinating way other characters see her. Our creative portraits captured the magic of Matilda from every angle—what an inspiring journey into her world!

Congratulations to 3/4BP for hosting their first whole school prayer and assembly on Friday!

Year 3/4 Teachers

Belinda Panzarino & Sarah Hogan


Our focus for our SMART Spelling program this week is the graph /c/ making the sound “s” as in city. 


Within our mathematical thinking, we have been exploring Place Value, this is a key concept within our mathematical understanding to support us with the rest of the content within our maths learning. We engaged in many tasks last week exploring place value,  using different hands on materials such as MAB blocks, counters and cards to support us in consolidating our understanding. One task we engaged in was creating our names using MAB blocks, this task was designed to support children to rename numbers in thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. This is so that students can rename their number in many different ways, not just in the form you would say it as a number. For example, 567 = 5 hundreds, 6 tens, 7 ones which could be renamed at 3 hundred, 26 tens and 7 ones.

Congratulations to all the wonderful sportsmanship during our Interschool Sports on Friday. We played in our first away game which was against Newlands Primary. We were very excited to embark on our journey to Newlands on the bus. We all had a great time participating in our sport, Bat Tennis, Basketball or Softball. It was a great day and we all had a wonderful time, Well done St Fidelis!

REMINDER: Your donations will be appreciated to support the school fete if you could please donate the following item based on your child’s class it would be truly appreciated.

5/6 NT

 5/6 MC

5/6 ZK 

Boys – 1 x pack paper towel 

Girls – 1 x 3 pack aluminium foil trays

1 x packet Allens mixed lollies


Boys – 1 x 500ml tomato sauce 

Girls – 1 x 500ml mustard 

Weekly Overview:


3rd March


4th March


5th March


6th March


7th March


Ash Wednesday - 

Liturgy in learning space  


ZK Assembly 



Interschool Sports 

Important Dates: 


  • Friday March 7th 5/6ZK Assembly
  • Friday March 7th Round 3 - Interschool Sports
  • Friday March 14th Round 4 - Interschool Sports
    • Tuesday March 18th School Photo Day
    • Friday March 21st 5/6NT Assembly
    • Friday March 21st  Round 5 - Interschool Sports
    • Tuesday March 25th 5/6ZK The Huddle Game Day Excursion
    • Thursday March 27th 5/6NT The Huddle Game Day Excursion
    • Monday March 31st 5/6MC The Huddle Game Day Excursion


  • Tuesday 1st April ZK Class Mass


  • Sunday 10th August 3pm Confirmation

Have a wonderful week, 

5/6 Team, 

Bianka Zorzut, Vicky Karalis, Maddie Comrie and Nick Tresize