Student Engagement

Bianka, Vicky & Vira

Wellbeing News 

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been busy gathering student input and seeking their voice and support to identify new and exciting play opportunities. We’ve been working to understand what the students at St. Fidelis would like to see during lunchtime clubs and in the new Play Bays.


Students from Foundation to Year 2 participated in a brainstorming session outside, in the Play Bays, to come up with how they would like to use this space. The students generated some fantastic ideas, many of which they’ll be able to explore this week. Take a look below, and ask your child what they played at recess and lunch. This is a great way to check in with them and stay connected. 

To explore ideas for lunchtime clubs, each 3/4 and 5/6 class participated in a survey and had a class discussion with Miss Zorzut about what they would like to experience. Below are some of the ideas that came out of these discussions:

What are some ideas 

for lunchtime clubs?

  • Creating/sewing club
  • Just Dance
  • Drawing
  • Cars Club
  • Card Club
  • Loom Band
  • Lego Technic
  • Reading Club
  • Drawing Club
  • Arts and Crafts club
  • Themed clubs for just dance
  • Book writing club
  • Sitting and chatting 
  • Checkers/Chess Club
  • Outdoors club 
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Get to know you/talking club
  • Cooking
  • Chess
  • Games
  • Music Appreciation or just dance 
  • Trading cards club
  • Jewellery making club 
  • Just Dance Club
  • Arts and craft DIY
  • Bead Making 
  • Cooking 
  • Homework Club

Our first lunchtime club took place on Tuesday, inspired by student feedback. The initial club focused on arts and crafts, where students in Years 3-6 had the opportunity to engage in watercolour painting. This activity will continue throughout the week. We’re excited to collaborate with the students to decide on the next lunchtime club in the coming weeks.

In addition to the Play Bays and lunchtime clubs, we have been creating a functional breakout space where students can engage in different activities to calm down or to help them transition to learning. Students can engage in activities like reading to Lego, engaging in mindful activities, or even investigating their emotions using the available resources. You are welcome to come and visit this space during our Fete Day, which will be utilised as a quiet space during the day. 


Have a wonderful week!

Bianka Zorzut and Vicky Karalis

Partnerships with Allied Health Professionals

At St. Fidelis, we value allied health professionals' support in helping meet our students' diverse needs. Speech therapists, occupational therapists, and mental health professionals play a key role in supporting children’s learning, well-being, and development.


By working closely with our teachers, these professionals help create personalised strategies that support students in and out of the classroom. Open communication between allied health professionals and teachers ensures that interventions align with school programs, providing consistency in learning and social development.


If your child sees an allied health professional and you haven’t yet shared relevant information with the school, please reach out. This can be done through a written report, phone call, school visit, or a Program Support Meeting (PSG) with your child’s teacher and our Learning Diversity Leader.


By working together, we can ensure every student gets the support they need to succeed!