Learning & Teaching
Learning and Teaching encompasses the following areas: Student Outcomes, Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting, Principles and Pedagogy.
Learning & Teaching
Learning and Teaching encompasses the following areas: Student Outcomes, Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting, Principles and Pedagogy.
“In F-2 classrooms, opportunities for learning through play provide an important context for the development of skills and understandings, for teacher assessment and of course for the broader social and emotional wellbeing of the child.”
- Kath Murdoch.
What is Discovery Time?
At St. Fidelis, Discovery Time is essential to our Inquiry Learning approach. Rooted in the power of play, these hands-on workshops encourage curiosity, creativity, and exploration while developing key learning skills.
Teachers have worked alongside Inquiry expert Kath Murdoch, to ensure that Discovery Time provides a rich environment where students learn through meaningful play. Through professional learning with Kath, we have explored that inquiry is about answering questions and nurturing a sense of wonder and deep engagement. Through play, children develop communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and self-management skills -essential for lifelong learning.
Teachers carefully design a variety of provocations - open-ended stations based on students' interests - to spark curiosity and invite exploration. These stations encourage children to:
Teachers observe, guide, and document student learning throughout Discovery Time, encouraging deeper thinking and understanding. This experience allows students to develop their Learning Assets - communicators, collaborators, self-managers, thinkers, and researchers.
Term 1 Focus: Collaboration
In Term 1, Foundation students focus on becoming Collaborators - an essential learning asset. They are learning to:
Students build strong foundations for future learning experiences by developing these skills early.
We look forward to seeing the amazing inquiries and discoveries that unfold this term!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
A reminder that NAPLAN online begins on March 12th.
All students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9 in Australia will complete the NAPLAN tests this week and next week.
Your teachers will inform you of the timetable for each assessment.
For parents - https://www.nap.edu.au/naplan/public-demonstration-site
Student can practise while at home.
The SMART spelling approach has been implemented across all Years 1 to 6 classrooms at St Fidelis. The routine is well-established, with teachers explicitly introducing a new sound pattern each Monday. This practice includes analysing letters, sounds, and syllables. Students then select eight words to learn, including two 'back of book' (BOB) words. (BOB words are those identified by the student or teacher as unfamiliar in writing, and these words are recorded, as suggested in the back of the spelling book, to be learned.)
Students record the selected words in their spelling books and highlight them on their Homework Sheet. The Homework Sheet is then placed in a plastic pocket for students to bring home, allowing them to focus on learning only the highlighted words each afternoon or night. While the same word list is sent home with every student, only the words highlighted by your child should be the focus for practice throughout the week.
For the following three days, 10 minutes of the Literacy block is dedicated to reviewing and rehearsing the words. On Friday, all students (Years 1 to 6) are assessed in two ways: the teacher reads the list of words for the students to write, and then reads a sentence that includes words with the same spelling pattern. This assessment checks the students' ability to transfer their knowledge of sounds to writing words with the same pattern.
We recommend spending just 5-10 minutes on the words each night. Please praise your child for their efforts. Our goal is to foster a supportive culture around spelling, rather than creating a competitive environment.
Some suggested activities to help your child with their word list include:
● Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check
CHECK… your work.
Check out this link for a short recording that explains the strategy of
● Read and spell the words aloud
● Sound out the words
● Use the word in a sentence to explain its meaning
● Search for the word in a book
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like an update on your child’s progress.
Bernadette Parnis
Look out for your copy of Book Club Issue 2 coming home in your child's schoolbag! Orders are due in on Wednesday, March 12.
This Tuesday is Shrove Tuesday and we will be making pancakes.
The maths in this activity was huge. We were able to collect data on favourite toppings, measure and pour the ingredients into the bowl, count the number of pancakes in each batch, and in total. Compare the sizes of the pancakes ( some did notice that they weren’t all the same size!) We will have fun making them and also really enjoy eating them!
I will add the recipe we use for you to try at home.
Pancakes (Makes 8 good size ones)
2 cups S.R Flour
1 egg
1¾ cup milk
¼ cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
Butter for the frypan
Mix all ingredients until smooth. Pour a good amount of the mixture into a hot buttered pan. When bubbles appear on the surface, flip. When golden, remove.
We are about to move to addition and subtraction in the middle years and so I am adding a link to a great video that demonstrates the progression of student learning in this. It is well worth a watch if you'd like ideas on how to help your child at home. Remember to use real world examples too, kids love adding money, scores and contexts relevant to them.
This link shows how the progression of addition and subtraction moves from Kindergarten (Foundation) to the upper grades, with models of materials, and representations that are important for children in building their understanding. I have shown this to the teachers and we discussed the importance of place value being strong in order to move to addition and subtraction.
Recently I mentioned to a parent that a pack of cards is great for flipping and adding two numbers, saying one more/ ten more etc.. And the use of cards in practising and building fluency with facts is excellent. He did ask,"Are cards the swiss army knives of Maths?” and I guess they are! They have so many uses for all levels of learning.
The big Tip I give parents is “Little, often!“ We want to help them gain confidence with their maths and so following up and consolidating the learning happening at school is one way to do this.
If your child is a reluctant learner, try bringing in contexts to the maths that interests your child. For example, if they are into AFL then use the football scores to add or find the difference between. Pokemon cards, add the number of cards they have, the number per page in their folders etc..
If they love shopping, then ask them to think about and then work out the cost of some new clothes? Toys? Bedroom accessories? Etc..
This may be a way to engage your child back into the maths in their world. See the purpose behind knowing how to add, subtract and multiply etc..
Have a great week
Maths Leader
Congratulations to the members of the St Fidelis Summer Sport Teams who competed in the SSV Coburg District 2nd round of competition against Newlands PS in games of Bat Tennis, Basketball & Softball on Friday 28 February. Once again, our students should feel extremely proud of their efforts.
SSV Coburg District
Round 2 Results:
St Fidelis 15 points were defeated by Newlands 41 points
St Fidelis 64 points defeated Newlands 4 points
St Fidelis 29 games defeated Newlands 18 games
St Fidelis 28 games defeated Newlands 12 games
St Fidelis 20 runs defeated Newlands 13 runs
STEM Collaboration: Year 5/6 Students Shine!
Over the past few weeks, our Year 5/6 students have truly impressed with their teamwork and innovation in STEM. WOW! They were reintroduced to the world of STEM, exploring the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics – along with a deep dive into the fascinating world of coding!
The students worked in pairs, using the LEGO Spike Prime kit and coding software to design and build multiple prototypes aimed at moving a robot without wheels. They created and coded their very own LEGO Hopper, which mimics the movement of a grasshopper. It was fantastic to watch how they collaborated, communicated, and solved challenges together. The excitement was palpable as they successfully completed their projects.
Check out this short video showcasing our Year 5/6 students in action as engineers and coders, working together with the LEGO Spike Prime!
Our staff are diving deep into STEM professional learning, exploring new strategies, and having a blast while doing it! Who says professional learning can't be exciting!
Foundation Students Explore TaleBots!
Our Foundation students recently had the exciting opportunity to discover a new form of technology: the TaleBot! The students eagerly explored these innovative robots and had a blast learning what their new robotic friends can do. Tale-Bot Pro is an educational robot designed to combine creative, active play with foundational coding concepts, sparking curiosity and inspiring young learners.
With the help of interactive maps and a range of cross-curricular activities, our little learners leveled up their skills by learning basic coding concepts while using the robots to develop and tell stories in a fun and engaging way. The TaleBot’s colour-coded indicators match the command buttons, making it easier for students to track their coding process and troubleshoot any issues as they go.
Check out this short video to see our Foundation students coding and bringing their TaleBots to life!
VISUAL ART- Great News
St Fidelis' Students Shine at Catholic Education Week Creative Arts Exhibition
Hundreds of students from Catholic schools across the Archdiocese of Melbourne are showcasing their artwork at the annual Creative Arts Exhibition as part of Catholic Education Week.
This exhibition provides a wonderful opportunity for young artists to share their creativity with the world. The 2025 Creative Arts Exhibition includes both a live gallery at the Catholic Leadership Centre in East Melbourne and a digital gallery, allowing schools, students, families, and the wider Catholic community to come together and celebrate the incredible talents of our young artists.
This year’s theme for Catholic Education Week is 'Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you' (Is 60: 1). This theme draws inspiration from the Holy Year, the Year of Jubilee, and the Australian Catholic Youth Festival’s theme, 'Pilgrims of Hope.' I encouraged our 2024 Year 5/6 students to explore, design, create, and submit artworks that aligned with this theme. Archbishop Peter Comensoli expressed his hope for a larger selection of religious artworks for the 2025 exhibition, and I’m proud to say that our students have produced stunning pieces that beautifully express their understanding of 'Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.'
Each school was allowed to submit only five pieces of artwork, and our students’ works stood out so much that two pieces were selected for the 2024 Creative Arts Exhibition.
This is a fantastic achievement, and I couldn’t be more proud of our talented students.
If your child’s artwork has been selected and exhibited, it’s a wonderful accomplishment, and I encourage you to visit the exhibition to see their work in person. If you do attend, please take a photo with your child and their artwork and email it to joef@sfmoreland.catholic.edu.au. I’d love to share these special moments with the St Fidelis community.
Exhibition Details:
Congratulations to Our Talented St Fidelis' Students:
We are incredibly proud of these students for their hard work and dedication. This is a significant achievement, and we’re excited to share their artistic talents with the wider community.
Let’s continue to celebrate and support our young artists as they shine!
Joe Frazzetto
Year 5/6 Visual Arts Specialist