Year -1/2 Unit

Dear 1/2 Families
We made it! We can’t believe Term 3 is over and already coming to an end. The last two weeks we have been doing lots of great work!
Reading and Writing
For Reading over the last couple of weeks we have been looking at poetry, inferring emotions from poetry and practising our reading fluency. The kids have been performing some poems in front of the class and recording themselves on the iPad, practising rhythm, expression, using a loud voice and fluency. For writing we have created poetry such as unicorn poems, kindness poems and poems about emotions.
For Maths over the last few weeks the students have been learning about all things data! This includes how to collect data, why we collect data and drawing conclusions from the data. They have used digital technology to create a graph, using the data they collected from their fellow students. Well done 1/2 student!
Year 1/2 Teachers
Debbie Thompsopn (12T)/Greer Arnold, Lyndsay Adamson (12A),
Libby Tobin (12S)/Juliet Smith, Emma Beaumont (12B)/Greer Arnold,
Katherine Richardson (12R)