Year 5/6 - Senior Unit

Senior Unit Health Expo
Throughout the term, the senior students have been looking at answering the question “What makes us healthy?” Many students could relate the term health to physical health, which entails staying active and visiting specialists such as doctors and dentists to keep us ‘healthy’. The students then did a deep dive into other domains of health, these included areas such as Spiritual, Mental, Social and Emotional Health. Armed with their newfound knowledge, the senior students then planned and implemented a Health Expo, where they educated the school community about their chosen health domain by participating in small workshops.
Congratulations to all the senior students on a job well done.
In Literacy this term, we have been focusing on different styles of poetry. The students have been unpacking the structure of each type of poem, along with how poets use poetic devises to create mood, tone and allow the reader to bring the words to life through visualisation. The unit culminated in the students creating a poetry anthology, which is a collection of poems written about a theme such as the seasons, sports, animals etc. Here is an example of a poem from a student’s anthology:
The Beach
Sand sifting through my toes
Shells scatter around the shore
As I run towards the shining water
With a snorkel, ready to explore.
Jumping in a cold refreshing world
Fish swimming in the forest of the ocean
Colours blinding me with their boldness
Using calm collected motions
Year 5/6 Teachers
Andrea Evans (56E), Kasey Ward (56W), Nathan Spilsted (56S), Katie Cashen (56C), Iain Sparrey (56W)