Student Awards & Achievements

Value of the Week

Assembly 11.09.2024

PCLRoryFor her excellent focus during SEL last week. 
PLCAlexFor your excellent effort creating your subtraction story cards using your neatest handwriting. 
PBSPaddyFor his excellent work on his subtraction story during our maths lessons. 
1/2SGraceFor consistently showing kindness and respect to her classmates. Such a super star!
1/2TThomasFor demonstrating our school value ‘Be a Learner’ by using new vocabulary in his poetry writing.
3ADMarlukaFor demonstrating our school value ‘Be a Learner’ by putting in 100% effort towards your counting goals and Heggerty every morning. 3AD thinks you ROCK Marluka!
3SQDarcyFor his hard work in our maths sessions this week. Thanks for living our school value of 'Be A Learner', Darce!
4AIJuan-RaeFor your enthusiastic participation in class discussions. Well done JR!
4AIBeauFor showing the school value of ‘Be Respectful’ by being a great listener during class discussions. Thank you Beau!  
4LSAugustFor being a learner, using fabulous word choice to create a poem about a magpie. Well done August.
4SMHarryFor settling into his new school well and showing a keen interest in our poetry writing this week. A fantastic effort Harry.
56WOliverHis fantastic attitude towards learning and his peers.

Artists of the Week -  11.09.2024

Year 5 students have been busy creating ‘Trees with a Treehouse’ models.  They used cardboard, tubes, straws, polystyrene, corrugated cardboard and tissue paper to create their amazing models.  Well done Year 5.

Our outstanding artists this week are: Erin, Palma, Kaylee, Ryler, Allie, Evie, Sophie, Jasper, Lucy, Sophie, Annabelle, Violet, Victor & Nyah.

Class of the Week - 11.09.2024

FrenchEmmie 56C for her absolutely fantastic research project on the river Seine and the Paris Olympics.

Assembly 18.09.2024

PBSMaxFor his hard work and dedication towards achieving his literacy goals this semester. 
PLCEllisFor your excellent effort creating a 5 senses poem using different writer’s craft techniques. You’re as curious as a magnifying glass!
PCLNateFor the outstanding writing he has produced when learning about writer’s craft techniques this term. I am so proud of you Nate!
1/2ROllieFor always being an absolute superstar in the classroom. You’re a role model to your peers. Well done!
1/2TWhole ClassFor everyone in 1/2T who made Mrs T a lovely goodbye card.
3ADBrandonFor always displaying our school value ‘Be Respectful’ by showing kindness to your classmates by including them in your games at lunchtime. 3AD thinks you’re a STAR Brandon!
3SQDiyaFor your dedication to your school work throughout the year. You’re a fantastic learner, Diya!
4AIAlexaFor being a fantastic participant in our ‘River Detectives’ day at Carlsruhe. It’s great to see you approach all learning opportunities with a positive mindset. Well done Alexa!
4LSSeb & EleanorFor a wonderful poem using fantastic word choice which was carefully selected for effect. Well done!
4SMOwenFor demonstrating our school values 'Be a Learner' and 'Be Respectful" during our River Detective Incursion this week. An outstanding effort with your contributions and inquisitive insights about the waterbugs. Well done Owen.
56WHarperHer dedication to creating a poetry anthology full of creative writing! 

Artists of the Week -  18.09.2024

Year 2 students looked at Picasso’s painting of ‘The 3 Musicians’.  They then made their own picture about a blue guitar using coloured and painted papers.  Their colleges look terrific.

Our outstanding artists this week are: William, Summer, Lucy, Remy, Eleanor, Phillipa, Nate, Delta, Fabian, Reghan, Charlie, Alex, Evie, Felix and Wesley.

Class of the Week - 18.09.2024

French5/6 S for always having an enthusiastic and positive attitude towards their French learning.