Wellbeing Awards
Presented to Foundation - Year 5 Students at School Assembly
Friday, 11th of October @ 2.45pm
Sadie M - FJR - For showing great care and attention to detail in every piece of work. Well done on always trying your best!
Arthur W - FMH - For making great choices and respecting others personal bubbles
Harriet C - FAM - For being a great friend to her classmates and showing commitment to her learning. Keep up the great work Harriet!
Eliza W - FMK - For being a positive role model in FMK. She arrives ready to learn each day and shows persistence in her learning. Well done Eliza!
Sophie R - FJC - You always approach your learning with commitment and a growth mindset. Amazing work Sophie!
Hugo R -1LP - For his ability to confidently share his vast knowledge, opinions and ideas in class. Hugo you are such an engaging and articulate speaker! Well done!
Raf I - 1AW - For being a resilient and helpful member of our class. You never give up when facing challenges and are quick to lend a hand. Well done Raf!
Eliza W - 1GL - For being a positive role model in FMK. She arrives ready to learn each day and shows persistence in her learning. Well done Eliza!
Olive BH - 1JE - For consistently making great choices. Your positive decisions and kindness inspire others, and you are a wonderful role model. Congratulations!
Stevie J - 2AG - For demonstrating great resilience and growth mindset when problem solving. Well done Stevie!
Maggie QH - 2JM - For making a fantastic start to the new term in 2JM.
Leo S - 2MS - For showing great self-awareness in his listening and completing his learning work. Super star effort Leo!
Bohdi D - 2JE - For always showing curiosity and commitment in maths.
Caitlin C - 3NK - For her growth in resilience when faced with challenges. Keep smiling bright Caiti!
Ella B - 3PC - For always displaying a calm, focused and friendly demeanour.
Elliot B - 3MP - For demonstrating resilience when settling into a new school.
Billie W - 4RB For always remaining focused and showing determination when working.
Edward C - 4SE - Who has demonstrated integrity and mature social awareness in dealing with his peers in the classroom and on the playground.
Ted S - 4JH - For continuously showing respect towards his peers and gratitude for his learning.
Simara S - 4LB - For consistently being a kind, considerate and inclusive class member.
Charlie M - 5SB - For working hard on his organisational skills.
Cassia P - 5CC - For being a kind and courteous class member.
Annie E - 5CM - For consistently being a responsible decision maker and a helpful, thoughtful, and cheery member of 5CM.
Nina P - 5FA - Nina Popat for making a confident and excellent start to Term 4. Well done Nina.