Primary School

Intra-school Chess Competition

On Monday, 26 primary students competed in our intra-school chess competition to ascertain who would be selected to represent our school at the Chess State Championships in October. All the students played really well! Congratulations to those students who made the team: Ayden Tiu, Jethro Sih, Ari So, Alex Rule and Angus McLean! An honourable mention must go to Benjamin Hueston and Phillip Liu who are our reserves for the event. We wish them all the best at the State Championships!

Mr Hugh Richardson

Deputy Head of Primary

Primary Assembly Roster - Term 4

Assemblies are held weekly on a Tuesday afternoon at 2:30pm (for a 2:35pm start). Parents are welcome to attend.

1Tues 15/10Year 3
2Tues 22/10Year 2
3Tues 29/10Year 1
4Tues 5/10No Primary Assembly due to Year 6 Canberra Trip
5Tues 12/10Prep
6Tues 19/10No Primary Assembly due to exams in Auditorium
7Tues 26/10

No Primary Assembly due to

item preparation for Celebration Event

8Tues 3/10

No Primary Assembly due to

item preparation for Celebration Event

9Tues 10/10

No Primary Assembly due to

item preparation for Celebration Event