What's Been Happening?

Throughout Term 3 Chess for Schools has been running a Wednesday lunchtime Chess session for Year One to Six students.
Different lessons are taught each week from a structured syllabus ranging from tactics, strategies, masteropenings, traps & special moves. After the lesson children are paired up in a fun tournament play off.
Well done to all students involved and a special congratulations to out St Cecilia's Term 3 Chess Champions:
First Place: Best & Fairest - Raphael Speekman
Second Place: Silver Grasshopper Badge - Jim Begley
Third Place: Bronze Grasshopper Badge - Matthew Oiu
Chess will continue in Term 4. An email was sent out last week regarding registration.
If you have any questions about Chess at St Cecilia's please contact:
Kate Sutherland, Learning Diversity and Mathematics Leader
Prime Minister's Spelling Bee
This term a number of our Year 3 and 4 students participated in the Prime Minister's Spelling Bee.
The Prime Minister's Spelling Bee is a free online spelling competition for Year 3 to year 8 students. More than 35,000 students from Australia participated in this year's competition.
Students who took part in the Spelling Bee were given 30 random words from their reading level word list. They had 25 seconds to spell each word. Students may not have been familiar with all the words they were asked to spell. However, the words were all put in a sentence and there was the option to click on the hint button to give you the definition and origin.
Learning through play is always a winning formula. The Spelling Bee allows students to complete 30 spelling words in a fun format where they have to aim for accuracy, to beat the clock and finish ahead of their fellow students right across Australia.
Congratulations to the following students who participated in the Spelling Bee:
Year 3
3D: Amelia C, Elena S, Fiona B, Leonardo Z, Nora T, Zara L
3E: Amber B, Ezra Y, Finn Z, Henry B, Kellen C
Year 4
4C: Millie W, Christa M, Genevieve M, Katerina H, Olivia M, Olivia Ma
4L: Arabella B, Aveline M, Charlotte B, Edward O, Fransesco P, Harry O, Luella K, Mae P, Sienna Z, Stella H, Victoria D, Zoe B
A special congratulations to Harry O, Year 4L
who was our school champion and made it though to the State/Territory finals.
Well done Harry!
If you have any questions about the Prime Minister's Spelling Bee please contact:
Kate Sutherland, Learning Diversity and Mathematics Leader
African Bead Stall
A newsletter item written by Grade 2 students Phoebe and
Every year the grade two’s raise money for Africa by selling beads that women and children from Kenya make so they can get medicine, food and water.
Originally we were going to set it up in the Amphitheater but the weather was bad so we set it up in the hall instead.
We raised quite a lot of money, in fact we raised $1,000.
Actually we raised $1,004.50.
You could get a pair of rosary beads, bracelets, keychains, necklaces, toy animals, footy team bands, jewellery and christmas decorations.
We do this every year to raise money for women and children in Kenya. ST Cecilia’s has been one of the only schools who have participated in melbourne. Everyone loved the stall and what we sold was horrific.
Thank you everyone for all the help.
Grade 1 News
In term 3 Reading Groups the Grade 1 students have been reading and performing plays. To experience reading in front of an audience we read some plays to the Foundation students.
Ricketts Point
By Molly P
I saw sea snails.
I enjoyed going to the rock pools.
I learnt there was a blue octopus.
I was interested in the sea stars.
I didn’t know what a shark's egg looked like.
I wonder how many crabs there were.
By Kit
On Tuesday we went to Ricketts Point
Next we had some lunch
Then we looked at some types of shells
Finally we went to the rock pools.
My favourite part was going to play games.
I felt excited because I saw a fish in the rock pools.
By Isaac
On Tuesday we went to Ricketts Point.
Next I went to go to the rock pools.
Then I learnt what sea creatures look like.
Finally I held a crab with my friend.
I felt sandy because I had sand in my shoes.
My favourite part was playing beach games.
By Aidan
On Tuesday we went to RIcketts Point
Next we went to the rock pools and there were a lot of snails and we saw a crab and I got to hold it and it felt like sharp claws.
Then we played beach games and it was really fun. Finally we ate lunch and after that we built sand castles and we connected to Lucas’ and we made a volcano.
I felt exhausted because it was a long day.My favourite part was building the sand castles and ours was the longest and widest sand castle.
Grade 3 News!
By Edward Piccolo, Hugh McCarthy, Chryssa Aronis.
In maths we have been doing multiplication, long and short division and sometimes subtraction. Some of us are doing BODMAS.
When we have worked hard we get to do a game that the game leaders get to choose.
In literacy we are learning how to edit. The teacher gives us editing cards and then we edit them with full stops and punctuation and then we improve them by adding interesting words and more information. We are editing our own writing too, to make sure it’s correct and to add in WOW adjectives, adverbs and verbs.
Our classes in year 3 have class jobs.
Some people clean the book shelf, some do handouts, some deliver the wallets, some lead prayer, some lead games, some clean the whiteboard, some people are teacher assistants, some are cleaning up monitors, some people pick up the telephone when it is ringing, some people choose games - 3D love doing games!
In RE we are reading the bible. We started in the Old Testament, like stories including Creation, Noah’s Ark, Moses and Daniel in the lion’s Den. Did you know that there are 46 books in the Old Testament? They wrote a lot about waiting for someone special who would help to save them.
We are also reading the New Testament. There are stories about what Jesus did and also what Jesus said, like his messages and parables that help to teach us. Some parables are the Good Samaritan and the Lost Sheep.
Footy Day Fun
STAGELEFT Performing Arts School
The Music Bus
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