The F/1/2 class have had a great term of learning and growth.
The students had a great week of swimming in Week 8. It was great to see how all the students’ confidence and abilities grew over the week.
Throughout the term the students have developed a variety of skills.
In English, the students have been learning about narratives. They have been learning about the sequence of narrative writing through written pieces and verbal storytelling. The students have also been increasing their phonics knowledge, as they have moved to single letter graphemes into developing consonant and vowel digraph knowledge.
In Maths, we have covered a variety of areas, including place value, counting, patterns, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction and fractions.
In Cross Curriculum, the students have learned a bit about history and how things have changed between the past and present.
In the coming week, we have a lot of learning and events planned.
Wednesday 18th September: Art; Father’s Day Mass led by the F/1/2s
(all F/1/2 students have a job either as part of the procession, offertory or readings).
Friday 20th September: Footy colours day; last day of term. 2:20pm dismissal.