This fortnight the grade 3/4 class have been busy working away on their Australian history/ culture projects for their ERP’s. It has been wonderful watching them become curious about what happened on this land before and after Europeans arrived.
Most students have shown a great deal of interest in Aboriginal culture and have collected information about tools, traditions, culture and dreamtime stories. Others have shown interest in the gold rush and the First Fleet.
There has been a big emphasis on creating quality pieces of work that look appealing and are neat and tidy, I’m sure you will all be impressed with their efforts.
On Thursday we celebrated R U OK Day. The grade 3/4 class did an activity called ‘the key to being a good friend’. Some things we discussed were…
What it looks like to be a good friend.
How to be a good friend when your friend is having a tough time.
How I can help my friend when they are having a tough time (get a trusted adult to help).
This activity was received really well and promoted a lot of great discussion.
Coming up this week on Thursday we have the Sandhurst Arts on Show Concert. We have been working on some songs and dances to perform. Everyone has put in a lot of work practicing for this. An email with an invitation has been sent out for those that wish to attend.