From the Acting Principal

Congratulations to our Grade 5/6 Girls Soccer Team
Exciting news!
Congratulations to the girls soccer team for winning the state championship with a 2-1 victory yesterday afternoon! There are around 1600 schools that take part in this program and to finish state champions is an incredible effort. Well done for making history, we are incredibly proud of your achievement. A big thank you to Jessica Martino for guiding them through the season and to the amazing parents who supported the team throughout the season and finals.
And finally, a very big thank you to Mr. Richard Price. Richard works tirelessly to ensure the students of St Bede's have many wonderful sporting opportunities. His dedication and commitment help make these experiences memorable and successful for our students. We truly appreciate all that he does for our school community.
Congratulations Liam
We are thrilled to announce that Liam has won the Jessica Wilson Public Speaking competition representing St Bede's. As part of his achievement, Liam had the privilege of giving a speech at parliament last Monday, alongside winners from other schools. This was a remarkable and memorable event for Liam, and we couldn't be prouder of his accomplishments.
Important Reminder: School Closure Day - TODAYFriday, September 6
As previously mentioned in our weekly newsletter calendar, please be reminded that TOMORROW Friday, September 6, is a scheduled school closure day. On this day, our staff will be engaging in professional development focused on Laudato Si, Catholic Social Teaching and the pedagogies of teaching Religious Education.
We appreciate your understanding and support as we dedicate this time to enhancing our teaching practices.
Concert News
Transporting Props – A Big Thank You!
A heartfelt thank you to all the parents who have kindly offered to assist with transporting props to the venue this Thursday morning (12 September). Due to venue hiring arrangements, we’re unable to move them any earlier. We kindly ask that everyone meet at St Bede's at 8:30 AM to load the props, with transportation to the venue starting promptly at 9:00 AM.
Your help is greatly appreciated!
Operoo Permission
Just a quick reminder to ensure that you’ve signed the Operoo form granting permission for your child to be bussed to the theatre this Thursday for our full rehearsal.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this!
Please ensure you have purchased your families concert tickets. When you go to Try Booking please ensure you are booking for the concert Notre Monde. The link to purchase is on the Notre Monde - St Bede's Concert page of this newsletter.
District Athletics
Congratulations to all our students who participated in the District Athletics on Monday. We are proud to announce that the following students finished either first or second in their events and will now progress to the Division Athletics on the 14th of October. Best of luck to all our competitors!
800M | GIRLS 12-13 | Avianna Chrysis |
800M | BOYS 9-10 | Isaac Pulverenti |
SHOT PUT | BOYS 9-10 | Lefkios Michael |
800M | BOYS 11 | Leonardo Campanga |
HIGH JUMP | BOYS 9-10 | Liam O'Driscoll |
SHOT PUT | BOYS 9-10 | Oscar Mennea |
100M | GIRLS 11 | Pia Lunardello |
Premier's Reading Challenge
A reminder that the challenge finishes on Friday 6th September. Please have all reading recorded in the website by Thursday 5th September (tonight) to allow me time to verify all books.
Confirmation Committment Masses
On Saturday the 14th @ 5.30pm and Sunday the 15th @ 11am are the Committment Masses for Grade 6 children making their Confirmation on October the 24th. Children need to attend only one of the two Committment masses.
Thank you for your continued support.
Acting Principal