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Supporting students to stay happy, safe and connected...
The Wellbeing Page
Supporting students to stay happy, safe and connected...
The school holidays are here and making sure kids are engaging in safe screen time activities is front-of-mind for many families. Experts from the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program - are supporting parents and carers with simple strategies to help provide kids with a safe environment in the weeks ahead.
With many parents and carers needing to work or manage end-of-year activities, Dr Alan Ralph, Triple P International Head of Training and Clinical Psychologist, said there will be an understandable increase in the time children spend on screens.
“Living in a digital age has lots of upsides for families and can be useful in situations where adults are busy or concentrating and need to give children something interesting and engaging to do. However, there are a range of concerns around cyberbullying, identity theft, online addiction, and sexual predation, that are important to address,” Dr Ralph said.
“A recent E-Safety Commissioner report revealed that half of the parents surveyed underestimated the prevalence of children’s negative online experiences and alarmingly, more than half of children admitted to communicating with strangers online, yet only one in three of their parents were aware,” he said.
“The good news is, parents and carers can take a proactive, positive approach to help make sure their children’s online world doesn’t end up impacting their health and wellbeing in the real world. This includes problems with sleep, behaviour, as well as their social and emotional development.”
With these helpful tips from Triple P, parents and carers can make the most of their time together these holidays while promoting a healthy relationship with technology:
Alan said, “The holiday season isn’t always smooth sailing for families, and tackling digital safety is just one more challenge to add to the list. It’s OK if you’re not across everything in the online landscape or you feel like your child is speaking another language. Try looking at it as an ongoing learning opportunity for the entire family, rather than a daunting task or a quick fix. Praise your child when they make good decisions, rather than only react when they haven't.”
“The online world is always changing, but building a strong, positive relationship with your child can help them to always feel safe coming to you if and when they have issues online, in addition to having their own toolkit of skills to navigate their online world safely and confidently,” Dr Ralph said.
Find the above article and more helpful tips here: