Community Notices

Campaspe Shire are running a school holiday intensive learn to swim program these school holidays and would love to get as many children involved as possible. Learning to swim is an essential part of life and understand that families cannot always commit to weekly lessons. The intensive program gives students the chance to learn new skills or improve on their current skills, 5 days in a row.
Students 5 years and older will be placed in group lessons, there are 2 times to choose from.
Campaspe Library September School Holiday Activities:
Exciting upcoming opportunities for youth in Greater Shepparton.
- Aquamoves School Holiday Activities: Inflatables, pool games, and more. Daily from 11am to 4pm.
- Aquamoves Glow Stick Dance Party: this Friday 20 September at 6.30pm
- Shepparton Shred – Learn how to Skate: Sunday 29 September | 9.30am to 10.30am
For more info, please see posters attached. To view the full Greater Shepparton Youth Fest 2024 program, visit
The link to book GP apt and for more information:
Austin pathology flyer- to go with Telecare GP.
Starting August 20th, the collection centre will be open every Tuesday from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM.
Austin Health Pathology accept all request forms and bulk bill for any tests that are MBS rebatable. For more information on Austin Health Pathology, please visit
For tickets please click the following link
Term 3 Respectful Relationships Newsletter:
To view the full program, visit