Kitchen and Garden & Sustainability News

Grade 6 MasterChef

Our very clever Grade 6 chefs have competed in our annual MasterChef and have blown us away with what they created.  Four years in our Kitchen Garden program has given them some amazing culinary skills and these shone as they cooked, plated and presented their dishes. Our theme was indigenous ingredients, and these were very cleverly woven into some delicious savoury dishes that were presented to our MasterChef judges.  Some of these wonderful dishes included Anise Myrtle Damper with Lemon Myrtle Butter, Warrigal Greens and Ricotta Rolls, Pepperberry and Tarragon Potato Cakes and Gnocchi with Saltbush, Sage and Burnt Butter Sauce.  


A big well done to our winning groups, Bal Meling, Burt, Bu and Wiyn Nyurang.  And a big well done to all Grade 6 students for all they have achieved and the amazing skills that they have developed within their Kitchen Garden journey.  We have had so much fun in the Kitchen and Garden with our Grade 6s and wish them all the best for their future Kitchen and Garden adventures.

Plastic Free July

This year Surfside is participating in Plastic Free July by recycling our kitchen and community household’s plastic milk bottle lids and bread tags. Plastic Free July is a global movement to reduce single-use plastic waste and protect the environment. Alongside our Nude Food Fridays, we invite students to bring in these recyclable items.  The class that makes the biggest chain of these products at the end of July will win a garden morning tea.  If you could collect these plastic items over the holidays that would be amazing.  Thank you. The lids and tags will be taken to two organisations to be made into wheelchairs and recycled plastic products through the Geelong Technical College.

Food Scrap Fridays

Food Scrap Friday's will be continuing through the school holidays, our food scrap team will be in the garden at 9am on Fridays to collect your fruit & veg scraps.

You can use any bucket, but if you would like one of ours, 

come by and we can give yuou one.

Well done to all the families and classrooms for your massive effort so far


This is Big News. How big???

About as big as two grand pianos or 10 grizzly bears or an adult hippopotamus.

2,079kg (to date),to be exact.

That's how much food waste our families and classrooms have saved from landfill and instead composted for use in our garden, here at school, so far this year.

2021 - 301.7kg

2022 - 1,316kg

2023 - 2,482k



What's Accepted:

Fresh and cooked fruit and veg scraps


What's Not Accepted:

Meat, dairy, plastics, including sticketrs, tea bags, bread, citrus and onions



Garden News

As we head deeper into winter, plant growth slows down and our compost also goes into a slower processing period. While things are hibernating, we are not!

Our students have finished off the term with condensing compost bins and doing health checks to ensure things are not unhealthy and fixing any imbalances.  

Our Dahlias had finished flowering, so we pulled them out for winter and divided them up ready to replanting late spring.

Cold weather doesn’t stop the weeds from growing so our weeding crew set up to remove areas of seeding and flowering grasses to prevent further spread.

Beetroot and spinach seeds were planted too.

Our year 6 teams worked on propagation by potting up succulent and herb cuttings.

Lunchtime Garden Club

Some of our Garden Club members helping James, one of your garden volutneers, install a new wicking bed.

Creative crew

Our Creative Crew teams have finished off the term by making themselves somthing special they can take home to remember the fun we have had in 2024. So proud of these little people and the compassion they have to each other and the enthusiasm they display during our sessions. 

We would like to thank Caz for her amazing help this term, you are a true asset and we have valued your support.

 Recycling Station

Our Recycling Station will be starting at the end of July.  Thank you to all the families that have offered their assistance in dropping off our recyclable items.  Here's a list of the things that we are taking:

  • Milk bottle lids
  • Plastic bread Tags  
  • Blister packs 
  • Zip Lock Bags/Cling Wrap 
  • Oral care (toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss packs) 
  • Mobile Phones & accessories 
  • Batteries *to be in kitchen for safety issue 
  • Pens and markers

Plant Sale

Our plant sale stand is back up and running at the entrance to the school. Pop past and get yourself a lovely potted succulent or bargin clivia! The clivias are only $10, a lot cheaper than the local nursery which you would expect to pay $30!!



Jam and Chutney Crew

We would love to start up a Preserving team who is available to come in a couple of times a term to whip up some jam or chutney at times of high harvest. 

If you are interested in being part of this group, we would love to hear from you!

Please or



Seedling Foster Program

Our seedlings have started coming in and we are busy planting our next crop. Thank you to those who have nurtured their seedlings. If you are still looking after some sedlings, you can bring them in on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursdays.

What is a seedling foster program you ask??!! Well, it is where the a class plants up some seeds during a garden session or lunch club and we ask school families to take these seed punnets home and 'foster' them, nurturing them until they are ready to bring back to school to plant.The best part is that your child doesnt have to be participating in the garden program to take advantage of this program, so that means even our foundation families can help out in the garden by 'fostering' some seedlings :)

We have developed an instruction and data sheet that will help you with looking after them and the children can also participate in the growing by documenting the plants growth and taking photos.I have attached a copy of the fostering form so that you can see how it all works and what is expected. It is such a fun way to continue learning at home for our students and you're also helping us to grow successful seedlings to plant out in The Patch.If you are interested in joining this fabulous new program, please come and see my in the garden or email me at

No experience in growing is necessary!  If you are not sure, please please please reach out and I will help you through the process!!

Thanks for your support of the Kitchen & Garden Program



We are in need of some garden helpers please. You dont need to be a gardener you just need to want to help and have a spare hour or half hour to help. The weather has encourged the weeds to grow and also patches of the garden are a little dry where the sprinklers don't quite reach.

Please contact me if you can help in any way! .au 


Volunteer Information

We would love some more volunteers in our program to assist in our classes.  Your assistance is so wonderful as it enhances our students experience in our kitchen and garden.  Please view our Term 3 Timetable below. Either email Fleur (kitchen) or Clancey (garden) or just show up on the day.  


There are a few things that need to be ticked off before volunteering:


Kitchen –

Garden –