Out and about with Mr Walsh

It has been another bumper term at Surside with so much happening in and out of the classroom. Teaching, learning, engagement and wellbeing have been at the forefront with so many things to learn, participate in and celebrate. The leadership team have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of our student reports and celebrating the goals and growth that our students have achieved within their learning and all of the supports that are offered to provide opportunities for support or extension in their acdemic and social and emotional learning. 


It has been pleasing to continue a strong focus on literacy and numeracy development with consistent predictable routines taking place to enhance student development. Teachers have enjoyed some rigorous professional learning throughout term 2 with a focus on numeracy and vocabulary. There have been many rich learning experiences that have taken place out of the classroom from Bonanza Day, Camp, Athletics Carnival to a number of different incursions and excursions.


The school yard at recess and lunchtimes has been a hive of activity with a number of organised activities and clubs taking place with Swifties always bringing a wave of excitement on a Friday. 


A big welcome to all of the families who have started at Surfside during term 2 and most of all we welcome 2 new arrivals to the Surfside family. A big welcome to Marley Betts and Thomas Wright and a big congratulations to Mrs Betts, Mrs Wright and their families on the arrival of their beautiful babies and we are all looking forward to a visit soon.

Marley Betts
Thomas Wright
Marley Betts
Thomas Wright

Reports - our semester 1 reports will go live this afternoon so please take the opportunity to sit down with your child and celebrate their learning throughout the first semester. We will open bookings in week 1 of term 3 for our student led conferences which take place in week 2. 


We wish all of our students and staff a restful and fun filled break. Please take care of yourselves and each other over the break and look forward to welcoming everyone back for the start of term 3!

Some important dates as a reminder for the first 

2 weeks of term 3


Mon 15th - Students return for Term 3

Mon 15th - 19th - NAIDOC Week

Thu 18th - No Breakfast Club

Mon 22nd - Student Led Conferences (Parent/Teacher Interviews) 2.15-6.00pm

Tues 23rd - Student Led Conferences (Parent/Teacher Interviews) 2.15-6.00pm

Wed 24th - Student Led Conferences (Parent/Teacher Interviews) 3.30-4.30pm

Thu 25th - Breakfast Club 7.45am in the kitchen

Fri 26th - Assembly @ 2.30pm

                   Foundation 100 Days of School

Bonanza Day

Bonanza Day was loads of fun for all students at Surfside but it was also a great opportunity for our year 6 students to have an explicit focus on running a business by creating a business plan, selecting a product or service, supply and demand, cash flow, how to generate profit and loss, advertising and so many more skills. The unit was full of rich learning links through literacy and numeracy and we are proud to announce that the year 6 cohort and Surfside community raised a whopping $4700!!!! The student leaders are planning a proposal around line marking and possible re-surfacing of the basketball court.

Surfside Masterchef 2023

Our Year 6 students have completed their kitchen and garden journey and it culminated with their Masterchef challenge. Students utilised indigineous ingredients such as pepperberry, lemon myrtle, saltbush, etc to develop a dish. These activities exemplified our school values of teamwork and achievement and it was evident that they have developed some amazing skills within the program and the judges were so impressed with the quality of the food. A big thank you to Fleur, Clancey and the classroom teachers for leading such a wonderful and innovative program for our students. We definitely know we wouldn't be able to support this program without the assistance of our Surfside community through fundraising and and parent and carer volunteers. Our year 3's look forward to starting their kitchen and garden journey next term and have visited the kitchen this week learning some preliminary skills to prepare them for sessions ahead.

Year 5 Museum Excursion

The year 5 students visited the Melbourne Museum and it helped to support their recentstudies on Australian History, colonisation, the impacts on Aboriginal Australians and explaining the causes of significant events that shaped the Australian colonies. They visited the Bunjilaka exhibit where they were able to see First Nations' perspectives. Aspects of the visit also helps the students to launch into their science unit for next term where they will explore physical, chemical and biological science.

School Captain Leadership Development

Our school captains recently attended the Barwon Young Leaders Conference to gain an insight and understanding of leadership in action, experiences from young leaders at Grovedale SC, North Geelong SC and school based leadership. They also had the opportunity to sit together with leaders from other schools and develop and receive feedbackl on the development of an action project. We have seen some great examples from our student leadership team throughout the year so far and we look forward to their development throughout term 3.

Bellarine Secondary College Coding Challenge

A collection of year 5 and 6 students have been participating in a coding challenge with a number of students and staff from Bellarine Secondary College. This has been a great opportunity to build connections with students and staff as well as learn a number of skills relevant to secondary school and hopefully assist with future transition.

School Council - June Meeting Reflection

Our recent June school council meeting saw reports in the following areas:

  • Financial report
  • Grants and funding requirements
  • Canteen feedback and expression of interest
  • Expression of interest for Before and After School Care provider
  • 2025 Enrolment overview

Our next school council meeting will take place on Tuesday August 20th at 5.30pm (Finance Committee at 5.00pm)







































Enrolment Time at Surfside

Enrolments have now opened for new students and families who will be joining the Surfside family in 2025. If you have a sibling of a current student at Surfside they will also need to complete this enrolment process. We have conducted our tours for prospective families and are starting to collect a number of enrolments ready for 2025. Please check out the enrolling your child in Primary School tab for more information in this newsletter.

School Council - June Meeting 

Our next school council meeting will take place on Tuesday 18th June at 5:30pm with Finance meeting taking place at 5.00pm.