Term 3 News - 1C

Contact Information

Please send all communications regarding student's absences and appointments to 

office@sjmalvern.catholic.edu.au and include me in the email. 


Please note we do not use Dojo messaging and all communication is through email or by calling the office. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. 


We are always here to assist and support you and your family. 

Teachers: Meg Correy, Luisa La Rosa 


Email address:




Junior Leader: Marta Cummings

Email: marta.cummings@sjmalvern.catholic.edu.au


Weekly Timetable Term Three


St Joseph’s School Prayer

Girls and boys gathered as one in the name of Christ

to St Joseph’s we come.


God of creation, love, and play, 

we thank you for all that you give us this day.


For friendship, learning, trusting, and love,

we ask you to guide and protect us.


Be with us Lord and help us to 

grow in the Spirit of Jesus our

friend whom we know.
