Student Voice 

Student Voice : Heights Camp

We now only have 3 weeks left of Term 2! We have had lots of exciting events happen such as swimming for the SLC. They have participated in the swimming program for 2 weeks and learnt how to be safe in the water. The SLC were very grateful for this experience and are excited to participate again in Term 3.

National Reconciliation week was from 27th May to 3rd June. Reconciliation week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The theme for this year was ‘Now More Than Ever.’ The whole school gathered to plant their decorated hands with a message on the back, in front of the school gate. Everyone’s hands were absolutely colourful and amazing. We all chanted “Now more than ever!” at the fake grass to show our respect to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Last week, the school captains from both campuses went to the Council chambers to meet with other leaders and talk about our community and how we can make it better.    We also decided on some themes for this year's Children's Festival. There are some pretty exciting events coming up this year that are organised by the council, that would be amazing for our families and communities to join in with.

Our Principal, Mrs Cottier is enjoying her trip around several countries. She has been to some amazing places like Dubai and Switzerland. We all miss her a lot and can’t wait until she is back.

We hope everyone is enjoying Term 2, and remember to stay warm and dry!


         Heights Campus School Captains