CEPS Kids are Friendly Kids

This term we are working on RESPECT
and next week we are looking at
I can play fairly
Playing fairly means not just following the rules of the game but following the spirit of the game. By all means try your hardest, use your best strategies and support your teammates, but always do this in a fair and reasonable way.
Start every game in a friendly manner. Make it obvious to everyone that you are here to enjoy yourself and are looking forward to the fun of playing, not just winning. Encourage those in your team and give them an opportunity to participate. Similarly, respect your opposition and all their hard work as well.
Always respect the decision of the umpire, and if things don’t go your way, be prepared to put that behind you and get on with the game. When the game concludes you should always congratulate both the winners and losers on their efforts; they have all tried equally as hard. Be a modest winner and a grateful loser. Help pack up at the end if there is equipment involved and look forward to the next challenge. You will earn so much more respect by being a fair player than you ever will by being a proud winner or bad loser. Playing fairly is a great challenge and one we should all take on.