Assistant Principal News

Leading up to the holidays, this resource may be of use...
Parentline is a phone service for parents and carers of children from birth to 18 years old. They offer confidential and anonymous counselling and support on parenting issues.
13 22 89
Available 8am to midnight, 7 days a week including public holidays
What they do
Qualified counsellors are available to:
- talk about any issues to do with parenting and your relationships with your child
- help you with ways to cope and be a positive parent
- help with your family's wellbeing and resilience
- connect you with services in your area.
Your call
- We respect your privacy. Your call is confidential and anonymous.
- Calls are not time limited and you can call back as often as you need.
- Our qualified and experienced counsellors have social work or psychology backgrounds. You can ask for a male or female counsellor and ask to speak to the same counsellor if you call back again.
- We can assist non-English speaking parents and carers connect to a translating and interpreting service.
- If you're hearing impaired, you can call Parentline using the National Relay Service.
- Calls from a landline are charged at a local call rate. Mobile call rates will depend on your network provider. Check with your provider if you're unsure.
- We are happy to call you back to minimise the cost to you. If you choose a call back, we will ring back and you'll be placed at the front of the queue until you're connected with the next available counsellor.
Some reasons to ring Parentline
We can discuss a range of issues about parenting, including:
- child behaviour and development
- parent / carer child relationships
- education
- bullying
- living with teenagers
- family violence
- family breakdown
- parental stress
"I often lack confidence in what I am doing so being able to talk with someone was really great for me. I did not feel put down or judged."
"I felt a connection with the counsellor. They tailored (the call) to my situation."
Common parent concerns
Here are some examples of when Parentline counsellors have explored solutions with callers:
- 'My 8 and 10 year old continuously fight.'
- 'I am worried that my child is bullied at school.'
- 'My stepchildren ignore me.'
- 'My 12 year old daughter is on the internet a lot and I am not sure what she is doing.'
- 'I suspect that my 14 year old is seeing an 18 year old.'
- 'Child care had told me that my 2 year old is biting other children.'
- 'I feel like hitting my 4 year old, I don’t want to, but I am at my wits end.'
- 'My 15 year old has hit me.'
- 'I read my daughter’s Facebook – she said that she doesn't want to live anymore.'
- 'My 2 year old has lots of tantrums and I am struggling.'
- 'I'm worried about how my relationship with my partner is affecting my children.'
- 'My son seems very fearful and anxious, and I'm worried he's not coping.'
- 'I can't seem to talk to my 14 year old daughter without getting into a screaming match.'
Feedback: "I was most impressed that Parentline took my issues seriously. Sometimes I feel as if I am banging my head against a brick wall but I felt I got somewhere after the call"
Kind Regards,
Leisel Ward