Farm Enterprises

With a few wet days halting the spraying and spreading activities, students have been undertaking some machinery maintenance, so everything is ready to crank up again when the weather clears.
Quantum got the good news that he'll be seeing his ladies very soon, so he has been on his very best behaviour. Miss Baker is now his favourite person, after introducing him to the heifers last week! The big mob of girls have been placed on one of pasture paddocks that was seeded to oats, clover and serradella, and are having a great time while they wait for Quantum to join them in a couple of weeks.
There has recently been a great addition to the Perth Royal Show that provides a great opportunity to the students undertaking the Certificate III in Pork Production qualification. The Royal Agricultural Society of Western Australia (RASWA) in conjunction with Australian Pork Limited (APL) and Western Australian Primary Principals Association (WAPPA) have introduced the 'Pigs in Schools program'. This will see a number of Ag Colleges and metro schools compete in a pig husbandry competition, that will end at the Royal Show in the form of a showing and judging competition! It involves each school growing out a number of pigs, then entering 3 of these in the live pig and carcase competitions. Miss Read is excited to attend this along with the Pork Production students.
Lamb marking is in full swing, with Mr Laird dodging showers and windy weather. With a few more mobs to mark, those students who require the Identify and Mark competency for Cert II or Identify and Draft competency for Cert III, need to see Mr Laird to put their name down to join his group on the days he's marking.
Butcher Shop
We are happy to have Mr Lindsay Jones back part-time for a few weeks while we look for a new butcher. Students have already been busy slaughtering pigs to start restocking our freezer! On Friday the piggery and butcher shop students were involved in the slaughter of an older sow to make sausages and mince for the kitchen. Miss Iles and Miss Davenport went through the internal organs of the pig, explaining each organ and looking for a reason why the sow may have become unproductive. This is always a great opportunity for students to see "in person" the information they are learning in class.