School Events

What's happening around the school this term?

School of Rock - Yr 5 Theatre excursion

Year 5 students and some theatre loving staff went to an evening performance of School of Rock at Bunjil Place. The students dressed up for the occasion, had learned about theatre ettiquette and were complemented by the public on their behaviour. Well done Year 5!

Pyjama Day Fun 

Students enjoyed marking the day with the shortest amount of daylight by wearing PJs, Oodies, Dressing gowns and even slippers as handwarmers! Much laughter and discussion was heard as students arrived in their best warm and fuzzy comfort clothing.


What's coming up soon?

Whole School Events - Term 2 

*BOLD indicates a student free day

Friday 28th June -  Last Day of Term 2

Term 3

Monday 15th July - First Day of Term 3

  Monday 22nd July - St Thomas the Apostle Day Celebrations - Sports Uniform Required

Saturday 27th - Confirmation Ceremonies in the church

Monday 29th July - Foundation 2025 Play Session 4:00 - 4:45

Tuesday 30th July First Communion - Parent Formation in the Church 6:45 – 8:00pm

Wednesday 31st July - School Photo Day - See Information Below

Friday 2nd August - 100 Days of School Celebration FOUNDATION children

Friday 16th August - National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence

Monday- Tuesday 19/20th August 6A, 6C, 6E Camp

Tuesday - Wednesday 20/21st August 6B, 6D Camp

Thursday 22nd August - STUDENT FREE DAY (OSHC is available to book)

Friday 23rd - August Book Week Parade

Friday 30th - August Fathers Day Celebration

Monday 9th  September - Parent Elephant Education Session 7.00pm - 8.00pm

Friday 20th September - Favourite Sports Team Dress Up Day

Friday 20th September - Last Day of Term 3

Term 4

Monday 7th October - First Day Term 4